
SSUGM (Swathanthra Software User Group - Malappuram)

156 Members
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14 May 2021
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.org joined the room.07:30:06
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgded group 08:05:50
@bady:poddery.comPirate Bady duuooo: if you're from malappuram or know people from there, you can try to make it active again :) 09:09:42
@telegrambot:tchncs.deTelegram bridge bot joined the room.09:09:46
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgI'm from malappuram and I know people from there12:37:29
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgBut They don't use gnu/linux12:37:47
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T V Hey duuooo where are you in Malappuram? 13:07:58
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T VI am from Valanchery13:14:10
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T VBeen using GNU/Linux for more than 15 years13:15:13
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orghow old is this room13:15:47
In reply to @tvmanukrishnan:matrix.org
Been using GNU/Linux for more than 15 years
i just started using it . about 1 year
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T VMatrix room is pretty new. The mailing list has been there for more than 15 years13:20:32
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orguhh . i have no idea what you're talking about13:21:35
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgyou guys have a mailing list13:21:58
In reply to @tvmanukrishnan:matrix.org
Been using GNU/Linux for more than 15 years
how did you get introduced to gnuLinux more than 15 years ago?
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T V
In reply to @duuooo:matrix.org
you guys have a mailing list
@tvmanukrishnan:matrix.orgManu Krishnan T V
In reply to @duuooo:matrix.org
how did you get introduced to gnuLinux more than 15 years ago?
During my college days
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgi read the rss feed16:09:03
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgit's amazing what you guys done for free software 16:10:07
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgbtw anyone know malayalam fonts that works well with terminal16:11:38
@bady:poddery.comPirate Bady duuooo: i think it has more to do with the terminal application than the font. i've heard that konosle terminal supports malayalam. you may also try kitty. 16:55:28
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgi'm using st atm16:57:04
@duuooo:matrix.org@duuooo:matrix.orgis there anyway to get it working on st16:57:51
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenI don't think st supports Malayalam17:05:52
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenthe terminal has to support the language17:05:58
16 May 2021
@bady:poddery.comPirate Badyhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/pce/482196814/ :)09:26:33
31 May 2021
@bb-uy:matrix.org@bb-uy:matrix.org joined the room.21:07:40
3 Jun 2021
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their display name from Mujeeb Msone (Telegram) to Mujeeb IBComputing (Telegram).11:01:44

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