
Self Hosted Feedback

439 Members
Place to provide feedback to Self Hosted show76 Servers

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16 Jun 2024
@tasiaiso:kitsunes.clubTasia changed their profile picture.06:17:29
@valmar:vlmcloud.netvalmar joined the room.22:56:20
17 Jun 2024
@ashinnv:matrix.orgmagnolia_mayhem changed their display name from Chicken man to magnolia_mayhem.02:33:13
18 Jun 2024
@frostbytex:matrix.orgfrostbytex joined the room.14:55:20
@daniel_adams_n:matrix.orgDaniel changed their display name from Daniel to BazDark.23:25:24
19 Jun 2024
@daniel_adams_n:matrix.orgDaniel changed their display name from BazDark to Daniel.13:52:17
@doomguin:matrix.org@doomguin:matrix.org joined the room.14:13:15
@doomguin:matrix.org@doomguin:matrix.org joined the room.14:37:27
@doomguin:matrix.org@doomguin:matrix.org joined the room.14:37:56
@doomguin:matrix.org@doomguin:matrix.org left the room.14:38:18
@doomguin:mozilla.orgdoomguin joined the room.15:36:19
@madasi:matrix.orgmadasi joined the room.16:01:49
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org left the room.09:29:34
@xanderthol:matrix.org@xanderthol:matrix.org left the room.19:33:08
@timsc:matrix.orgtheradtiger changed their display name from timsc to theradtiger.21:02:20
23 Jun 2024
@geedew:matrix.orgDrew Wilson joined the room.13:01:07
24 Jun 2024
@garena77:matrix.org@garena77:matrix.org joined the room.21:47:11
@garena77:matrix.org@garena77:matrix.org left the room.21:47:25
25 Jun 2024
@17hoehbr:matrix.org@17hoehbr:matrix.org left the room.04:55:47
26 Jun 2024
@forlornidealist:matrix.orgHyphyHippo changed their display name from ForlornIdealist to HyphyHippo.23:43:12
27 Jun 2024
@hippiejeffy:matrix.org@hippiejeffy:matrix.org joined the room.06:36:17
28 Jun 2024
@returntrip:matrix.org@returntrip:matrix.org left the room.04:21:29
5 Jul 2024
@corrinado:matrix.orgcorrinadoI am unsure of the Badger's NC instance - yet was curious if something like standing up a Redis cache could assist with the weird UI behavior 22:29:47
@hippiejeffy:matrix.org@hippiejeffy:matrix.org left the room.22:50:33
6 Jul 2024
@nmr_don:matrix.orgnmr_don joined the room.09:11:02
@gpo:beeper.com@gpo:beeper.com left the room.15:35:53
7 Jul 2024
@nsmb:matrix.orgnsmb joined the room.06:26:26
8 Jul 2024
@bittin-guest:matrix.debian.social@bittin-guest:matrix.debian.social left the room.22:52:27
10 Jul 2024
@mabermo:matrix.orgmabermo joined the room.15:14:24
23 Jul 2024
@monty333:matrix.orgmonty333 set a profile picture.12:25:36

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