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27 Jun 2018
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThe Russians definitely have social engineering bots going on, though. Applied memetics is the new revolution in realpolitik, I find.23:14:42
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThe Russians and perhaps others.23:14:59
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgthe Russians certainly have some technology to influence, but i heard about many abuses of the term "Russian bot"23:19:40
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgfor example i met many anons who received that term23:19:48
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgI agree. Good terms are often dilluted by misuse.23:20:24
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.org I think it's a defense mechanism, in a way. "You can't be real". 23:20:52
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.organd that's about organic accounts23:20:52
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgbut still, those things are still not documented very well, so for many people they are still parts of the conspiracy spectrum23:21:33
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.org Fair enough. Did you look into Zuckenberg's statements on the bots? 23:22:36
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgwell i know a bit about Cambridge Analytica, but I didn't listen to Zuckerberg23:23:09
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.org I ask because I haven't, myself. They seemed promising. I don't trust him, of course. 23:23:30
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgbut i'm more alluding to a fact, that i saw people getting kicked from alternative politics channel just for stating their opinion. for example a person got kicked for saying, that he didn't read Marx, because in his opinion his views were harmful23:23:57
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThat's an increasingly common in the left. This might seem like a non sequitur, but did you hear about the fuss in the SCP foundation community?23:27:38
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgi saw a meme about it23:27:57
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.org(Mind you, I've also seen it happen in places like the_donald, but it's far more pervasive in the left)23:28:08
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgWell, here's how I pieced the events together.23:28:45
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThere was some fuss about the rainbow thing- I'm not sure of the hows and whys, but the gist is that there was some legitimate questioning and discussion as to whether it was appropriate.23:29:22
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgBut then came some... less tasteful people, expressing their opinions in a very aggressive way- channers. I don't mean any offense, but I think we all know how they can be at their worst.23:30:17
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgyeah, i know how extreme they can get23:31:59
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThis prompted a disproportionate response from a reddit admin, who started to aggressively ban anyone who dissented against the rainbow. The admin was later retired, but the damage was already done. It splintered the community. And in a sad example of human nature, instead of making a full apology, the SCP staff awkwardly tried to protect their exclusive identity politics.23:32:00
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgbut i must also say, that, from my experience with imageboards, there are certain people who steer the communities into extremes23:32:56
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgThey respond to stress by curling up in their safe space. It's a sad thing.23:32:56
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgQuite. The insidiousness of the bad apple.23:33:11
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgthere are methods for creating an artificial interest and then dynamics of the community do their things23:34:04
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.organd it's often a characteristic of the rightist communities, that people are easily steered to become wild and offensive23:35:35
@fearoftheduck:disroot.org@fearoftheduck:disroot.orgA force of nature that can be manipulated. Though I think attempts at aiming 4chan at something can backfire just as often.23:35:38
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgwhile the left may be overly sensitive23:35:48
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgthat's for sure. it's not that there's just a single force on 4chan that is knowledgeable of sociology23:36:47
@estrinken:disroot.org@estrinken:disroot.orgbut, whatever we may say, 4chan started as a left-leaning board23:36:54

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