
P2P Matrix

801 Members
STAY ON TOPIC — This room is about the P2P Matrix project ONLY | https://arewep2pyet.com | iOS demo at https://testflight.apple.com/join/Tgh2MEk6 | Android 10+ demo at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uK_BcHGiAYHkN6OAA7P73obAquwShRg5169 Servers

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18 Jul 2024
@naine-:envs.netnaine* They offer the hosting though. To multiple Corps (and individuals). Where there's possibility to make money with hosting / on prem hosting consulting. They probably surmised that the market is big enough for them to serve hosting. While letting self hosters/ some companies do their own thing. Witg p2p there's no big C to pursue. 09:44:33
In reply to @galaxy-nova:matrix.org
They could offer consulting
To whom.
Who will pay for p2p is the question.
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMoocaTaskForce to Orcoose.15:38:45
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from Orcoose to EliteMoocaTaskForce.15:42:46
19 Jul 2024
@lai-n:matrix.orglaini wonder if p2p has applications with iot03:57:20
@mconley:mozilla.orgmconley|PTO (July 22-26) changed their display name from mconley to mconley|PTO (July 22-26).21:12:27
20 Jul 2024
@neotdc:matrix.orgneotdci know paolo from holepunch was pushing that06:38:20
@ph:a-0.mePhilip (a-0)
In reply to @naine-:envs.net
To whom.
Who will pay for p2p is the question.
I could imagine that in 5-10 years becoming independent of DNS may become a topic for some industries or at least niche products, especially those which are more security-concious. Since p2p is usually inherently e2e-encrypted, they may pivot in that direction
@galaxyhunter:matrix.orggalaxyhunterNostr people are building a DNS system using public keys16:31:05
@galaxyhunter:matrix.orggalaxyhunterlike .onion domains for clearnet16:31:38
21 Jul 2024
@naine-:envs.netnaine* They offer the hosting though. To multiple Corps (and individuals). Where there's possibility to make money with hosting / on prem hosting consulting. They probably surmised that the market is big enough for them to serve hosting. While letting self hosters/ some companies do their own thing. With p2p there's no big C to pursue. 16:19:28
22 Jul 2024
@xd3m:matrix.org@xd3m:matrix.org joined the room.07:45:19
@theymoney:matrix.org@theymoney:matrix.org joined the room.13:07:19
@theymoney:matrix.org@theymoney:matrix.org left the room.13:08:02
@xd3m:matrix.org@xd3m:matrix.org left the room.17:53:24
23 Jul 2024
@jovenlp86:matrix.org@jovenlp86:matrix.org joined the room.01:30:01
@jovenlp86:matrix.org@jovenlp86:matrix.org left the room.01:35:48
@ver33539:fraunhofer.deVeronique Ehmes joined the room.06:49:36
In reply to @ph:a-0.me
I could imagine that in 5-10 years becoming independent of DNS may become a topic for some industries or at least niche products, especially those which are more security-concious. Since p2p is usually inherently e2e-encrypted, they may pivot in that direction
DNSSEC exists so I don't see why they would do that rather than just using it
@ph:a-0.mePhilip (a-0)
In reply to @galaxy-nova:matrix.org
DNSSEC exists so I don't see why they would do that rather than just using it
I really mean "independent of DNS", not "solving some security issues of DNS"
In reply to @ph:a-0.me
I really mean "independent of DNS", not "solving some security issues of DNS"
I guess it could be GNS
@ht.jaya:matrix.org꒒ꄲꋊꏂ꒒ꌦꉔꋬ꓄ I will looking out to implement GNS to IPv6 only with fully independent spanning subnet 14:42:26
@ht.jaya:matrix.org꒒ꄲꋊꏂ꒒ꌦꉔꋬ꓄ I hate when mobile devices IP revealed by provider 14:47:48
24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:23:01
@jovenlp86:matrix.org@jovenlp86:matrix.org joined the room.21:50:10
@jovenlp86:matrix.org@jovenlp86:matrix.org left the room.22:41:55
26 Jul 2024
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th].11:09:56
@nick:nickfreeman.deNick removed their profile picture.20:36:42
@nick:nickfreeman.deNick changed their display name from nick to Nick.20:36:51
@perguth:beeper.comperguth joined the room.22:21:06

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