12 Oct 2021 |
| Hyperion 1807 joined the room. | 21:08:27 |
13 Oct 2021 |
| بندر حمد joined the room. | 02:52:12 |
| Hyperion 1807 left the room. | 04:06:33 |
| gusti joined the room. | 06:57:46 |
| Stromboli left the room. | 21:54:32 |
15 Oct 2021 |
| @hsgltf:matrix.org joined the room. | 01:14:29 |
| @lovemeyou:matrix.org joined the room. | 07:43:46 |
| @lovemeyou:matrix.org joined the room. | 08:33:03 |
| @lovemeyou:matrix.org left the room. | 08:33:21 |
| Bob Donny (DM always open) joined the room. | 21:22:57 |
16 Oct 2021 |
| commufu joined the room. | 04:11:49 |
| commufu left the room. | 04:13:05 |
| Bob Donny (DM always open) changed their display name from Bob Donny to Bob Donny (DM always open). | 14:29:26 |
| @eyeofnevermore123:matrix.org joined the room. | 16:50:46 |
| @eyeofnevermore123:matrix.org left the room. | 16:57:36 |
17 Oct 2021 |
| @sookabobtie1:matrix.org joined the room. | 02:14:28 |
| @sookabobtie1:matrix.org left the room. | 02:15:56 |
| AgavZ | Bi | Sub/Bottom | 23M joined the room. | 10:04:43 |
| AgavZ | Bi | Sub/Bottom | 23M changed their display name from agavz to AgavZ | Bi | Sub/Bottom | 23M. | 16:14:47 |
18 Oct 2021 |
| @hotdragons:matrix.org joined the room. | 02:03:53 |
| @m33pm33p:matrix.org joined the room. | 04:09:40 |
| @m33pm33p:matrix.org left the room. | 04:13:31 |
| AgavZ | Bi | Sub/Bottom | 23M left the room. | 11:43:44 |
19 Oct 2021 |
| Sabaton The Paladin joined the room. | 02:35:05 |
| @hotdragons:matrix.org joined the room. | 07:51:21 |
| @hotdragons:matrix.org left the room. | 07:51:28 |
| bobdonny (dm open) joined the room. | 08:35:12 |
20 Oct 2021 |
| Nicco da Cummer ~ 16 gay af 🏳️🌈 [dm open] changed their display name from nc79 to Nicco da Cummer ~ 16 gay af [dm open]. | 14:46:09 |
| Nicco da Cummer ~ 16 gay af 🏳️🌈 [dm open] set a profile picture. | 15:07:01 |
| Nicco da Cummer ~ 16 gay af 🏳️🌈 [dm open] changed their profile picture. | 15:12:23 |