
Nim programming language

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Official Matrix channel for the Nim programming language. This channel is bridged with our main Discord and Gitter channels.99 Servers

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8 Feb 2025
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefWhat OS and do you have clang installed?20:28:37
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose it shows the terminal, but doesnt go further and crashes with only --cc:clang 20:28:38
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@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose W11 and yes I do, it's in my mingw64\bin 20:29:02
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefAre there bugs with a release build with your default compiler?20:29:57
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIf so sounds like you are doing something unsafe and it's exploding20:30:11
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose nope, my usual compile command I paste into my terminal runs fine 20:32:05
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose C:/mingw64/bin/ld: C:/mingw64/bin/../lib/LLVMgold.dll: error loading plugin:

Error: execution of an external program failed: 'clang.exe -o C:\Users\frase\OneDrive\Desktop\NimProjects\Nim\main.exe
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose i'm getting this 20:32:32
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefWell I cannot say much seems you're missing a llvm dll20:33:01
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefNever get issues like this on linux20:33:11
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose what is it I should download for Windows? I went onto the git page for LLVM 18.1.8 and wondering if that is correct? 20:39:56
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose nevermind, I think I've got it 20:43:34
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch I saw your PR, but I've been busy being sick 20:45:43
@_discord_1322563686631477361:t2bot.iobendugo Ah ok get better soon! 20:52:21
@_discord_634770928865116164:t2bot.iofluff.goose haven't found solutions anywhere, and nobody knows online what LLVMgold is, so I can't use --cc:clang apparently. still crashes with just --cc:clang, and complains with a whole bunch of text when I add in more flags 21:28:53
@_discord_649274482762055690:t2bot.iosummarity Gold is a linker and LLVMgold is gold plugin that provides an interface to libLTO. 22:19:49
9 Feb 2025
@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk first PipelineC code emitted by my translator 00:52:59
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@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk still need to emit some other stuff 00:53:07
@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk is it possible to overload an operator in a Nim macro? 02:35:43
@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk if not, that should still be okay 02:36:09
@_discord_288750616510201856:t2bot.iodemotomohiro yes
  Foo = object

macro `==`(x, y: Foo): untyped =
  echo x.treeRepr
  echo y.treeRepr

var a, b: Foo
a == b
@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk ah 03:33:21
@_discord_174324250881032201:t2bot.iofl4shk thanks 03:33:28
@_discord_801227226749599754:t2bot.ioyummy_licorice does importc work with the cpp backend? 04:18:22
@_discord_801227226749599754:t2bot.ioyummy_licorice like does it automatically put it into an extern c block 04:18:53
@_discord_305785071489515540:t2bot.iolainlaylie importc is text substitution 05:00:24
@_discord_305785071489515540:t2bot.iolainlaylie best way is to try it and see for yourself what's generated 05:00:32

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