
Nim Web Development

6300 Members
A channel to talk about web development with Nim.27 Servers

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17 Jan 2025
@_discord_1246817862232838228:t2bot.iopururunkun_93018 joined the room.17:53:02
@_discord_383034029135364096:t2bot.iomichaelb.eth changed their profile picture.19:40:42
@_discord_1255328825093394452:t2bot.ioskibiditoilet09993 joined the room.21:04:32
18 Jan 2025
@_discord_1287218769889984525:t2bot.iobillybobjoe30609 joined the room.01:37:49
@_discord_1320606706723455066:t2bot.iodarius098450 joined the room.01:45:17
@_discord_1234672027680636955:t2bot.ioel_tres_ joined the room.01:53:16
@_discord_801227226749599754:t2bot.ioyummy_licorice changed their profile picture.05:54:30
@_discord_358094127813885973:t2bot.iogautxo joined the room.06:40:11
@_discord_415227941408997381:t2bot.iobubblie changed their profile picture.07:16:30
@_discord_1031590276667539496:t2bot.iobasilajith Is anyone working on a Nim-based CMS? 08:18:45
@_discord_240847874655518721:t2bot.iomoigagoo changed their profile picture.18:59:43
19 Jan 2025
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? changed their profile picture.02:19:00
@_discord_162571170904801280:t2bot.ioblackmius what it supposed to do? be patchable with nim? 03:56:16
@_discord_162571170904801280:t2bot.ioblackmius * how it should differ from other cms? be patchable with nim? 03:57:36
@_discord_162571170904801280:t2bot.ioblackmius maybe this

@_discord_324850936759451649:t2bot.iozimzozaur joined the room.09:55:32
@_discord_138279121586225152:t2bot.ioangelsdust Fully made in Nim I guess 10:18:01
@_discord_138279121586225152:t2bot.ioangelsdust If my backend is done I will make a nim cms 10:18:11
@_discord_471485735661338626:t2bot.iokapendev changed their profile picture.14:04:40
@_discord_291299421864329216:t2bot.iojseb joined the room.18:38:24
@_discord_1256058628125757545:t2bot.iocam_luv1 joined the room.19:19:13
@_discord_525315481767247872:t2bot.iopeachey2k2 joined the room.20:00:26
@_discord_153300788976812032:t2bot.iomjsdev What's everyone use here generally for web requests/handling? I've seen Prologue and Jester 22:58:44
@_discord_153300788976812032:t2bot.iomjsdev I'm working on a more general application framework and need to implement a serve command a some routing functionality with something 22:59:18
20 Jan 2025
@_discord_138279121586225152:t2bot.ioangelsdust Asynchttp and own router 06:07:34
@_discord_138279121586225152:t2bot.ioangelsdust With a nginx proxy in front 06:07:48
@_discord_153300788976812032:t2bot.iomjsdev It says it's not designed to be used in production? 06:25:53
@_discord_258079305261645825:t2bot.ionitely_ most http server are like that. That's why you use nginx as a reverse proxy 06:32:01
@_discord_258079305261645825:t2bot.ionitely_ the docs are pretty confusing. They should just say don't expose asynchttp directly to the internet, instead use a reverse proxy in prod. Instead of saying this is not for prod, but later say use nginx in front in prod. 06:54:49
@_discord_258079305261645825:t2bot.ionitely_ * the docs are pretty confusing. They should just say don't expose asynchttp directly to the internet, instead use a reverse proxy in prod. Instead of saying this is not for prod, but later say use nginx in front. 06:55:47

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