
OpenMW Français

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9 May 2024
@_discord_471429575919009802:t2bot.iojvoisin pour les mods, il y a wiwiland.net 19:19:29
@_discord_471429575919009802:t2bot.iojvoisin vu que c'est l'enfer de tenter de jouer avec des mods anglophones 19:19:44
10 May 2024
@_discord_351913603059810305:t2bot.iorickoff Bonjour à tous, j'ai envoyé un message en privé a tous ici pour rejoindre notre serveur tes3mp FR "Ecarlate", je recherche également des personnes qualifié pour m'aider a compiler une version de OpenMW custom pour le projet OpenZ https://discord.com/channels/260439894298460160/1168860358623100958/1222754649254264903
Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir vous déranger, ce mp sera le seul mais n'hésitez pas à me répondre si cela vous intéresse ou non.
Je vous remercie d'avance, bonne journée.
@_discord_351913603059810305:t2bot.iorickoff changed their profile picture.05:39:20
@_discord_471429575919009802:t2bot.iojvoisin Il y a de la documentation a ce sujet: https://openmw.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ 12:56:08
11 May 2024
@_discord_471429575919009802:t2bot.iojvoisin En ce moment, la version de développement est plutôt stable, vu qu'on s'approche dangereusement d'une nouvelle version stable <3 05:13:03
12 May 2024
@_discord_119629852230811649:t2bot.iocale changed their profile picture.00:00:40
@_discord_132103523633463299:t2bot.iorastaman289 changed their profile picture.05:53:13
@_discord_441959002474151956:t2bot.ioalex626 changed their display name from alex626#0 to alex626.21:29:48
14 May 2024
@_discord_172758567592525824:t2bot.iocapocat changed their profile picture.22:19:49
15 May 2024
@_discord_780112714818781185:t2bot.iobillyfighter changed their display name from Billyfighter to billyfighter.20:53:40
16 May 2024
@_discord_658150353744691200:t2bot.ioromulus359 changed their profile picture.00:02:25
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ios3kshun.8 changed their display name from s3kshun.8 to A$AP Yams.02:15:29
17 May 2024
# AutoSaveOnResting: "Auto-Save on Resting"
# BestAttack: "Always Use Best Attack"
# Crosshair: "Crosshair"

Need translations for these vanilla settings for !4108. If someone has the French version at hand and can check how these settings are translated there (or suggest better translations should the French lines be nonsense), that would help. I'll copy-paste this to other language channels and unfortunately I don't speak every language on Earth (and off Earth), so I'm posting this in English.
@_discord_172758567592525824:t2bot.iocapocat Oh, French Calendar is also missing the lines for "am", "pm" and "day" (which are a.m., p.m. and, well, day). They'll come from the GMSTs like the settings above when French Morrowind is used, but having fallbacks isn't entirely unreasonable. So any info on these would be appreciated too. 00:59:42
@_discord_172758567592525824:t2bot.iocapocat I'll also want sLevel and sHealth GMST values as a reference 01:06:36
@_discord_172758567592525824:t2bot.iocapocat I gave some thoughts on that in the Russian channel just a bit earlier:
"One day all the game strings, including those that are based on GMSTs, will be moved to YAML files and we can watch the sun rise on the grateful universe.
(Screenshot of the saved game dialog in an English game having the lines translated to Russian)

It might sound dubious, but this feat would pursuit at least two goals:
- Ensure an easy path for localization to languages that never had any kind of official translation
- Move GMST names out of the source to lighten the burden of Todd's IP

Although technically you can just translate the GMSTs in the former case. The thing is, content files have quirky Unicode behavior, while lines that weren't there in Morrowind can't be translated and sentence structures can't be changed. For example, "Level 64 Agent" and "4 Sun's Height 11 a.m." look unnatural [in Russian], the underlying syntax could make sense to be moved out, which is something possible[...]"

Naturally the localization primarily exists for mods to use it
@_discord_172758567592525824:t2bot.iocapocat * I gave some thoughts on that in the Russian channel just a bit earlier:
"One day all the game strings, including those that are based on GMSTs, will be moved to YAML files and we can watch the sun rise on the grateful universe.
(Screenshot of the saved game dialog in an English game having the lines translated to Russian)

It might sound dubious, but this feat would pursuit at least two goals:
- Ensure an easy path for localization to languages that never had any kind of official translation
- Move GMST names out of the source to lighten the burden of Todd's IP

Although technically you can just translate the GMSTs in the former case. The thing is, content files have quirky Unicode behavior, while lines that weren't there in Morrowind can't be translated and sentence structures can't be changed. For example, "Level 64 Agent" and "4 Sun's Height 11 a.m." look unnatural [in Russian], the underlying syntax could make sense to be moved out, which is something possible[...]"

Naturally the localization system primarily exists for mods to use it
@_discord_883830846396723200:t2bot.ioheterophobism changed their display name from heterophobe to heterophobism.19:54:31
20 May 2024
@_discord_550440846353235983:t2bot.iotygl20 changed their profile picture.19:21:12
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ios3kshun.8 changed their display name from A$AP Yams to A$AP AsHyAmS.21:26:47
23 May 2024
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ios3kshun.8 changed their display name from A$AP AsHyAmS to s3kshun.8.20:30:47
24 May 2024
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ios3kshun.8 changed their profile picture.10:16:10
25 May 2024
@_discord_498455051464081439:t2bot.ioraiden_1312 changed their display name from RAIDEN to raiden_1312.08:24:38
@_discord_293376655198519296:t2bot.iospartan_s343 changed their display name from SPARTAN-S342 to spartan_s343.18:41:41
26 May 2024
@_discord_945129480010219552:t2bot.iohcb420 changed their display name from HCB#0810 to hcb420.13:34:26
31 May 2024
@_discord_447936823906533387:t2bot.iotheimmortalturtle changed their display name from The Immortal Turtle to theimmortalturtle.07:49:52
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_376261682957123584:t2bot.iokatyakarrel changed their profile picture.14:35:39
2 Jun 2024
@_discord_434756938400792576:t2bot.ioberxiks changed their display name from Berxiks to berxiks.13:49:44
3 Jun 2024
@_discord_232158885312462848:t2bot.ioabdu7944 13:18:15

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