
Monero Pools

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16 Sep 2024
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> https://wccftech.com/customer-gets-intel-core-i9-14900k-rma-faulty-core-i9-13900k-full-refunds/ nice free upgrade 17:13:33
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <m​onerobux> [ Customer Gets A Intel Core i9-14900K As An RMA For His Faulty Core i9-13900K, Full Refunds Also Being Given Out ] - wccftech.com 17:13:33
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <a​kio> Title: Customer Gets A Intel Core i9-14900K As An RMA For His Faulty Core i9-13900K, Full Refunds Also Being Given Out (at wccftech.com) 17:13:34
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> https://matrix.org/blog/2024/09/whatsapp-dma/ oh fuuuuck noo 17:14:54
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <m​onerobux> [ Matrix.org - Update on Native Matrix interoperability with WhatsApp ] - matrix.org 17:14:54
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <a​kio> Title: Matrix.org - Update on Native Matrix interoperability with WhatsApp (at matrix.org) 17:14:55
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <g​ary> rip 17:15:12
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <g​ary> matrix is a cia plant anyway 17:15:24
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> First their mastodon invasion, now this 17:15:25
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> .choice CIA plant, serpent plant 17:15:46
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <m​onerobux> elucidator: Your options: CIA plant| serpent plant. My choice: serpent plant 17:15:47
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> You are wrong monerobux 17:15:53
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​hron0> M5M400: AC up there? 17:20:30
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​5M400> nah, it's just a dusty, empty attic 17:21:05
* @m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​hron0> gives his new dehumidifer to M5M400 17:26:46
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​hron0> https://img.pr0gramm.com/2024/09/15/1be9b55e17927522.jpg 17:28:19
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> They spelled whore wrong 17:31:20
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​harolastra> wish i had a beautiful smile 17:31:46
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> You lack the haircut tho 17:35:08
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​harolastra> true 17:36:24
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <P​oolsAI> nothing wrong with dating someone as old as her grandfather, whats wrong with that? 17:39:08
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​harolastra> not much, you're just yelly 17:39:59
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> Of her? 17:47:21
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​harolastra> who knows 17:49:58
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​ech1> A billion dollar smile 17:56:12
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> https://lemmy.zip/pictrs/image/225ae94b-5f58-4428-b832-e78947510ea1.webp flatpak and snap both disgrace to the ecosystem 18:12:02
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <e​lucidator> Appimage is tolerable until you meet the limitations like isolation messing up system integration as well as it's being glibc only. No musl support. 18:12:57
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​hron0> kico: damn, the fire is only 9km away now 18:56:59
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <c​hron0> it went north, even tho wind is coming from north-east 18:57:19
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​hillosopher> elucidator: linux ux strikes again 18:57:22

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