

516 Members
Current Release: 2.7.9 https://keepassxc.org/download || KeePassXC is a cross-platform password manager. || Source Code: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc || Report issues at: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues54 Servers

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24 Jul 2024
@phoerious:matrix.orgphoeriousCheck whether KeePassXC is hidden in the tray.15:34:35
@xetuquinfredfa:matrix.orgWhatsApp Hoswedajeok, thanks, I'll check it out15:35:44
@john-e-d:matrix.orgjohn-e-d joined the room.18:11:03
@irc_libera.chat_case_of:vi.fiCase_Of joined the room.18:28:39
@irc_libera.chat_case_of:vi.fiCase_Ofif not in tray, just start it in a cmd window to see any message18:28:39
@john-e-d:matrix.orgjohn-e-dI've searched for a while, and cannot find where to change the font size on KeyPassXC. I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Can anyone help me out? 18:31:11
@irc_libera.chat_case_of:vi.fiCase_OfI think it is using your system font size18:34:09
@john-e-d:matrix.orgjohn-e-dWell, unfortunately not. I changed my system font size, rebooted, and verified it had changed in a new shell. No effect on keepassx18:51:32
@varjolintu:matrix.orgvarjolintuSwitch to system theme in KeePassXC?18:52:47
@john-e-d:matrix.orgjohn-e-dI'm running 2.7.8 BTW. Looked at the theme, but only selections were automatic/light/dark/classic. Tried all of them, but no joy.19:09:43
25 Jul 2024
@41chemist:matrix.org41chemist joined the room.04:49:06
@41chemist:matrix.org41chemistHey, I'm trying to transfer my passwords between my Windows KeepassXC instance and my Android KeepassDX instance... is there any way to do this?04:49:53
@varjolintu:matrix.orgvarjolintu 41chemist: Just use the same database file with KeePassDX 04:52:06
@41chemist:matrix.org41chemistah, figured it out. thank you04:56:52

Hi there, I'm trying to update to the latest snap, version 2.7.9, but I get an error:

- Mount snap "keepassxc" (1838) (installation not allowed by "browser-native-messaging" plug rule of interface "personal-files")
@asper.escherich:matrix.orgasper.escherich joined the room.17:30:40
26 Jul 2024
@matze202:matrix.orgmatze202 joined the room.12:48:18
@matze202:matrix.orgmatze202Hello, I use KeepassXC 2.7.9 and would like to remove the TOTP data from an entry without having to delete it completely and create a new one. Is this currently possible? If not, how can I initiate this extension?12:48:32
@irc_libera.chat_zbe:vi.fizbeRemove otp attribute?12:56:33
@matze202:matrix.orgmatze202 zbe: Thanks, that was it, I just didn't realize when I was clicking through that totp had something to do with otp and it was also hidden somewhere in a form. 13:19:13
@irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fiGuest15 joined the room.21:41:50
@irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fiGuest15is Keypassxc down?21:41:50
In reply to @irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fi
is Keypassxc down?
nom it is an offline password manager, so it can't be "down"
@basses:matrix.orgrando* nope it is an offline password manager, so it can't be "down"21:56:29
@irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fiGuest15is there an FAQ for troubleshooting?22:00:54
@irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fiGuest15I can' bring up keepassxc even when I uninstall, reinstall and repair it22:01:31
@ursinn:ursinn.devursinn changed their profile picture.22:26:18
@irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fiGuest15 left the room.22:28:06
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @irc_libera.chat_guest15:vi.fi
I can' bring up keepassxc even when I uninstall, reinstall and repair it
if you comeback
make sure to install the new msvc redistributables
@mebious:transfem.devMebious joined the room.04:53:09

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