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30 Oct 2019
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org joined the room.19:49:03
6 Nov 2019
7 Nov 2019
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald yano: yep, this place does still exist despite statements to the contrary 00:26:05
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgmeinwald: ikr? heh11:41:18
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.org i've been watching the mailing list 11:41:49
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgi think #colug used to be a thing, but then someone gave me this channel a while ago11:41:56
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.org i'm not sure who orc_orc is 11:42:15
@freenode_jkinning:matrix.org@freenode_jkinning:matrix.org joined the room.11:55:22
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgmeinwald: at least we have ##ohio12:11:37
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.org but that's more than Columbus 12:11:42
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.organd surprisingly that is more active than here12:11:55
@freenode_jkinning_:matrix.org@freenode_jkinning_:matrix.org joined the room.13:57:48
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org no one said it didn't exist, i said it's been mostly dead for years 20:22:21
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgwe will not be able to repair the situation with this lug without acknowleding what we are repairing20:22:48
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org in any case, this can never be an official channel due to this network's policy on naming conventions. ## is reserved for talk channels. primary channels are # on freenode 20:24:03
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org and we can't take ownership of the primary channel without either finding the owner or incorporating and submitting with the network; their policies are firm on it 20:24:48
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgalso groups are not allowed to own the primary channel in addition to the talk channel on freenode20:27:57
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgwe can either stir cold ashes or start a new fire20:35:08
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.org yeah, that's why we ended up in ##colug as it was very unlikely it was ever going to become official 20:57:51
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgwhy it would be unlikey?20:58:12
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgred tape20:58:29
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orgtrying to figure out what can officially even talk on behalf of COLUG20:58:38
@freenode_yano:matrix.org@freenode_yano:matrix.orglike, is it an LLC, or a registered non-profit?20:58:51
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org it's neither 20:59:27

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