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7 Oct 2020
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerige.g. 4 people in the IRC channel. :P20:47:46
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgi own the domain ohlug.org now20:48:31
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerigFWIW, I could do a talk or something about $DAYJOB_PROJECT20:48:43
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerig But I've never seen an attempt to organize a meetup. I know the past 6 months haven't really be a candidate though. 20:49:10
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.organy content is better than none to avoid these situations20:49:15
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerigCould do a virtual one.20:49:35
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgthat would work20:49:48
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgso the way i see it, if i ramp up ohlug.org to be a unifying bridge between all these dying or dead ohio lugs, it can only benefit all: some will see it as competition and ramp up their own activity to stay moving, others will stay dead and the gap they left gets filled20:50:40
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerigQuite possibly. I have no idea if the other big city LUGs are active.20:52:09
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerigOSUOSC also exists, but I have no idea how that works since it has ties to the school.20:53:52
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org the ones that revive i'll create a cname for their city / region as a subdomain that redirects to their website 20:56:10
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgwhat is osuosc all about21:06:19
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.orgoh their open source club21:06:36
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org that's cool 21:06:38
@freenode_erig:matrix.orgerigbagira: The IRC channel is semi active.21:07:36
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org they've got RMS right up on the cover photo, that is awesome 21:08:07
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald osuosc meets regularly (of course virtually now). They are a student org out of OSU but they're fine with the public attending or presenting at meetings. They haven't historically dove into code, worked on FOSS projects though, if that's the direction you're aiming for with OHLUG. I don't think too many LUGs do though, there's often a lot more focus on using FOSS and helping out beginners 23:07:08
11 Oct 2020
@freenode_bagira:matrix.org@freenode_bagira:matrix.org left the room.03:45:28
20 Oct 2020
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.org 09:32:05
4 Nov 2020
@freenode_yano_:matrix.orgyano_ joined the room.09:59:47
15 Nov 2020
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald left the room.00:04:14
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald joined the room.00:05:24
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald left the room.00:15:00
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald joined the room.00:15:50
18 Nov 2020
@freenode_nae2040:matrix.org@freenode_nae2040:matrix.org joined the room.03:13:20
19 Nov 2020
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald left the room.16:42:17
@freenode_meinwald:matrix.orgmeinwald joined the room.16:42:26

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