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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. Look at the last chat

But summary I have a system or parts

init is a special replacement for nix

and based on bedrock linux
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. https://discord.com/channels/1021080090676842506/1021088649787482144/1195816953370116277
folder-ayosx inside sbin
@_discord_322452921310511105:t2bot.iopinkcreeper100 you didn't answer the question
Do you speak a language other than English?
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. English, Arabic, and a little Polish 20:12:26
@_discord_322452921310511105:t2bot.iopinkcreeper100 which are you most fluent in? 20:12:43
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. can make 3d and 2d
make video games
make linux distros
i am sample not pro
@_discord_322452921310511105:t2bot.iopinkcreeper100 I mean out of these 20:17:19
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. huh ok
1. Arabic
2. English
3. Polish
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. im fluent in arabic 20:19:40
@_discord_322452921310511105:t2bot.iopinkcreeper100 https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1127190420015808603.webp?size=48&name=neofox_happy&quality=lossless 20:20:24
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. and If you are afraid of a virus in the file i sent you
Folder-AyOSX.img it's sbin
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. * and If you are afraid of a virus in the file i sent you
Folder-AyOSX.img it's sbin
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. * and If you are afraid of a virus in the file i sent you
Folder-AyOSX.img it's sbin patch = fix snowflakeos or nixos
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event20:39:21
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. my profile will removed after that chat
i will miss you guys : )
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. * my profile will removed after that chat
good luck : )
@_discord_162794918685835265:t2bot.iohiimshort I am beyond confused 21:03:21
14 Jan 2024
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatoo joined the room.18:02:53
20 Jan 2024
@.-.:techsaviours.org@.-.:techsaviours.org removed their display name Maholmire.06:55:15
@.-.:techsaviours.org@.-.:techsaviours.org set their display name to .-..06:55:47
@.-.:techsaviours.org@.-.:techsaviours.org removed their display name .-..06:56:09
@.-.:techsaviours.org@.-.:techsaviours.org removed their profile picture.06:56:36
@falaichte:techsaviours.orgFalaichte joined the room.07:15:50
@.-.:techsaviours.org@.-.:techsaviours.org left the room.07:17:40
21 Jan 2024
@clevercompiler:jupiterbroadcasting.comDan Christ(CleverCompiler) joined the room.22:50:25
24 Jan 2024
@jonsnowd3n:matrix.orgjonsnowd3n joined the room.04:25:36
@avoozl:matrix.orgAvoozl joined the room.19:33:46
26 Jan 2024
@falaichte:techsaviours.orgFalaichte changed their profile picture.08:19:27
30 Jan 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their display name from shin to nighthawk.02:47:28
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.02:48:34

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