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31 Jan 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.03:36:31
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.06:22:09
@cephoto:matrix.orgPhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee joined the room.20:56:19
2 Feb 2024
@wvpianoman:matrix.orgwvpianoman left the room.19:57:23
10 Feb 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.17:52:57
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their display name from nighthawk to the death.17:54:12
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their display name from the death to nighthawk.17:55:26
13 Feb 2024
@cephoto:matrix.orgPhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee changed their display name from PhantomProphet - NixOS makes simple things complicated.™ to PhantomProphet - NixOS makes simple things complicated.™ (and vice-versa).23:36:54
18 Feb 2024
@lunchtime:envs.netlunchtime joined the room.02:05:31
23 Feb 2024
@a-kenji:matrix.orga-kenji joined the room.10:53:46
26 Feb 2024
@nomadicdrill:midov.plnomadicdrill left the room.12:42:59
27 Feb 2024
@cephoto:matrix.orgPhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee left the room.04:36:35
29 Feb 2024
@cephoto:matrix.orgPhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee joined the room.03:40:29
3 Mar 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.15:52:32
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.17:25:42
6 Mar 2024
@swayuzer:matrix.orgnixsway joined the room.22:22:03
@swayuzer:matrix.orgnixsway changed their display name from swayuzer to nixsway.22:22:36
10 Mar 2024
@alinuxnoob:matrix.orgatotallinuxnoob joined the room.14:06:25
@alinuxnoob:matrix.orgatotallinuxnoob changed their display name from sampo kolu to atotallinuxnoob.14:10:25
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) joined the room.20:05:19
14 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn left the room.16:44:57
15 Mar 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenobody changed their profile picture.23:54:18
20 Mar 2024
@cephoto:matrix.orgPhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee changed their display name from PhantomProphet - NixOS makes simple things complicated.™ (and vice-versa) to PhantomProphet - NixOS Skill Level: Brain Damaged Chimpanzee.13:49:10
21 Mar 2024
@falaichte:techsaviours.orgFalaichte changed their profile picture.07:15:27
22 Mar 2024
@forresgeek:matrix.orgLee Dyson left the room.22:11:31
1 Apr 2024
@Hmpffff:matrix.orgHmpffff joined the room.21:40:21
4 Apr 2024
@fabaff:matrix.orgfabaff changed their display name from Fabian Affolter to fabaff.08:40:28
5 Apr 2024
@forresgeek:matrix.orgLee Dyson joined the room.18:28:18
8 Apr 2024
@rbutoi:matrix.orgradu242 joined the room.22:07:33
12 Apr 2024
@ailunarenth:tchncs.deAilunarenth joined the room.13:34:44

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