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12 Jan 2024
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@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. i will try add icons on snowflakeos without edit core
&& What is your opinion guys :3
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@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. or light by snows : / 19:18:16
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_1195740418466386000:t2bot.iojoyful_monkey_72171 joined the room.14:48:33
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. AyOSX Project has been cancelled
I will give it to vlinkz on dm
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:00:43
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:00:52
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:00:57
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:25:19
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:25:20
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:25:20
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:26:00
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:26:06
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Redacted or Malformed Event19:31:42
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Download File-AyOSX.sh19:49:41
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex.Download Folder-AyOSX.img19:49:47
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. Hi, I'm sorry to bother you with the puzzle

I'm depressed so I'll leak it to you because you have some flake and nix to go with it

Its name is SnowfalkeOS, which is the same as my username, but with the operating system

And if you steal from me even my name

It's okay because I don't know what fun is
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. Before you try it because it is alpha and danger only pros

1. Boot must be separate from root, will saying grub, wtf where is bzimage or /nix

2. And try your non-primary device, be it xfs or ext4

3. it's only nixos or snowflakeos

4. Find a way to make the ramdisk boot in /sbin/init

5. To have fun with distros
You must add $PATH
and check if you missing files and folders

6. if you want arch or any distros
get this distros from docker images or sudo brl fetch arch

7. Find a way to make the kernel and initrd inside /boot, not in /nix
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. * Hi, I'm sorry to bother hiimshort vlinkz and you with the puzzle

I'm depressed so I'll leak it to you because you have some flake and nix to go with it

Its name is SnowfalkeOS, which is the same as my username, but with the operating system

And if you steal from me even my name

It's okay because I don't know what fun is
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. * Hi, I'm sorry to bother and you with the puzzle

I'm depressed so I'll leak it to you because you have some flake and nix to go with it

Its name is SnowfalkeOS, which is the same as my username, but with the operating system

And if you steal from me even my name

It's okay because I don't know what fun is
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. 9. Finally, I'm sorry 19:59:06
@_discord_162794918685835265:t2bot.iohiimshort saymex. I'm not sure I fully understand what you're asking here. Do you speak another language than English? (Asking in case there is a better way for us to try and communicate) 20:02:11
@_discord_162794918685835265:t2bot.iohiimshort * saymex. I'm not sure I fully understand what you're asking here. Do you speak a language other than English? (Asking in case there is a better way for us to try and communicate) 20:02:29
Download Screenshot_from_2024-01-13_21-02-16.png
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. Look at the last chat

But summary I have a system or parts

init is a special replacement for nix

and based on bedrock linux
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. https://discord.com/channels/1021080090676842506/1021088649787482144/1195816953370116277
folder-ayosx inside sbin
@_discord_322452921310511105:t2bot.iopinkcreeper100 you didn't answer the question
Do you speak a language other than English?
@_discord_844192808503083080:t2bot.iosaymex. English, Arabic, and a little Polish 20:12:26

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