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22 Aug 2024
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1 * A silly POC campaign with only one map to test what the CorsixTH level creation can do.

* Replication of Two Point Hospital first map - Hogsport.
* All illnesses of Hogsport implemented: bed face, bogwarts, clamp, grout, headcrabedness, lightheadedness and misery guts
* almost all prices match the original ones. This includes treatments, objects, rooms and so on. There are some exceptions. For instance, VIP rewards can't be set in the .level file.
* Unfortunately no new rooms or items, since i couldn't figure out how to display them ingame (even though i created the corresponding lua files for rooms and objects, set them on base_config.lua and enabled them on the .level file). This means some rooms were "re-purposed".

Inside you will encounter two tweaked rooms: general diag and hair restoration. This was needed to enable the bald patient to use the general diag (since it does not have animations to use that room, i had to morph it or else the game crashed). The hair restoration room change does the inverse process (unmorph it).

Known issues:
* when the bald patient morphs, he will get the head of a bloaty head (probably because i didn't set the right head sprite)
* for some reason, some patients get invisible heads. I probably messed something up.
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1Download TwoPoint.zip15:39:13
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1Download TwoPoint.zip17:01:04
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1 EDIT: forgot to include the .level file. Sorry about that 🙂 17:01:04
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.ioLewri If you want to edit the attachment's message text to be your POC it'll make it simpler to pin =] 17:01:48
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1 for some reason, when editing the post, it didn't allow me to remove the original attachment. That's why i removed the post all together 🙂 17:09:07
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.ioLewri Ah yeah, you can't remove attachment easily afaik but you can add text to the post 17:12:54
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1 * Features:
* Replication of Two Point Hospital first map - Hogsport.
* All illnesses of Hogsport implemented: bed face, bogwarts, clamp, grout, headcrabedness, lightheadedness and misery guts
* almost all prices match the original ones. This includes treatments, objects, rooms and so on. There are some exceptions. For instance, VIP rewards can't be set in the .level file.
* Unfortunately no new rooms or items, since i couldn't figure out how to display them ingame (even though i created the corresponding lua files for rooms and objects, set them on base_config.lua and enabled them on the .level file). This means some rooms were "re-purposed".
* Patient waves tries to simulate the Illness Waves of the Horde Challenge of the original Hogsport from TPH.

Inside you will encounter one tweaked room: general diag. This was needed to enable the bald patient to use the general diag (since it does not have animations to use that room, i had to morph it or else the game crashed).

Known issues:
* when the bald patient enters the general diag room, he will get the head of a normal male patient. When he exists, his head goes back to bald.
* for some reason, some patients get invisible heads. I probably messed something up.

EDIT: forgot to include the .level file. Sorry about that 🙂
@_discord_813497276814589962:t2bot.ioslightpersimmon1 * A silly POC campaign with only one map to test what the CorsixTH level creation can do.

* Replication of Two Point Hospital first map - Hogsport.
* All illnesses of Hogsport implemented: bed face, bogwarts, clamp, grout, headcrabedness, lightheadedness and misery guts
* almost all prices match the original ones. This includes treatments, objects, rooms and so on. There are some exceptions. For instance, VIP rewards can't be set in the .level file.
* Unfortunately no new rooms or items, since i couldn't figure out how to display them ingame (even though i created the corresponding lua files for rooms and objects, set them on base_config.lua and enabled them on the .level file). This means some rooms were "re-purposed".
* Patient waves tries to simulate the Illness Waves of the Horde Challenge of the original Hogsport from TPH.

Inside you will encounter one tweaked room: general diag. This was needed to enable the bald patient to use the general diag (since it does not have animations to use that room, i had to morph it or else the game crashed).

Known issues:
* when the bald patient enters the general diag room, he will get the head of a normal male patient. When he exists, his head goes back to bald.
* for some reason, some patients get invisible heads. I probably messed something up.

EDIT: forgot to include the .level file. Sorry about that 🙂
@_discord_338222603829510164:t2bot.ioAtlas Congrats slightpersimmon1 on getting a pinned message! 17:19:10
@_discord_338222603829510164:t2bot.ioAtlas 17:19:13
@_discord_1038858122703405086:t2bot.ioMatroftt Yesss a new map in there, after nearly a year 21:18:20
@_discord_1038858122703405086:t2bot.ioMatroftt Cant wait to play it 21:19:04
23 Aug 2024
@_discord_1077774354147975188:t2bot.iosw23y joined the room.08:47:23
@albertfree:matrix.orgalbertfreeschoolgirl kinky15:47:16
25 Aug 2024
@_discord_348513169486118924:t2bot.ionachotm96 joined the room.13:58:01
27 Aug 2024
@_discord_732708113781882991:t2bot.iotschinkes joined the room.09:44:21
@_discord_372391642885521439:t2bot.iokantonin joined the room.13:57:05
28 Aug 2024
@frankie_young:matrix.orgfrankieyoungMB joined the room.20:38:07
29 Aug 2024
@_discord_470641164056264714:t2bot.iodevbobcz joined the room.13:42:29
30 Aug 2024
@_discord_297676924073803776:t2bot.ioalexnoob404 joined the room.11:54:48
1 Sep 2024
@_discord_271429034691395584:t2bot.iothorross joined the room.18:06:45
2 Sep 2024
@_discord_624594709624520704:t2bot.iojojomojo4876 joined the room.17:09:01
@_discord_428051161463914526:t2bot.ioschnapple99 18:59:31
5 Sep 2024
@_discord_282597803270602753:t2bot.iolumspring joined the room.23:50:44
6 Sep 2024
@_discord_559717600079249409:t2bot.iobucko_macko joined the room.15:17:56
7 Sep 2024
@_discord_216643326957322250:t2bot.iolozzareeves joined the room.08:39:48
@sweetmilana:matrix.org@sweetmilana:matrix.org joined the room.19:14:31
@sweetmilana:matrix.org@sweetmilana:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:15:05

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