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11 Apr 2024
@sweetalisa:matrix.org@sweetalisa:matrix.org left the room.18:54:12
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd dang 18:54:20
@_discord_199262521176227840:t2bot.ioHandyman Lloyd On the log it doesnt display any username so they might have left 18:54:58
@_discord_164120448521601025:t2bot.ioNettles might still be there if this room is matrix bridged? 18:55:34
@lewri:matrix.orglewri banned @sweetalisa:matrix.org@sweetalisa:matrix.org (spam).20:13:27
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri It came from Matrix so its essentially deleting a webhook 20:14:49
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold i think it actually is relevant to the cutscenes 20:59:48
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold and the cutscenes represent what went wrong 20:59:55
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold high fatality is the grave digging 21:00:25
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold the one with the mad doctor at the research table or the electric plug is to do with bankruptcy (cutting corners) 21:01:23
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold the ones with the publicity i think is to-do with reputation (the scandal/toilet one) 21:01:51
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold * the ones with the publicity i think is to-do with reputation (the scandal one) 21:01:59
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold and the one with the toilet is to do with the cleanliness 21:02:09
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri Don't remember cleanliness being a losing factor 21:02:50
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold * and the one with the toilet is to do with the cleanliness or something 21:03:08
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold idr fully though 21:03:11
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold imma quickly check 21:03:18
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold but there is a layout for the cutscenes 21:03:25
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold but i do know they are a way to tell what failed 21:04:49
@_discord_331163953214390272:t2bot.iomandrakehorse I think the doctor is meant to be grave robbing in that cutscene. He's digging up corpses for anatomical stud 21:12:26
@_discord_331163953214390272:t2bot.iomandrakehorse * I think the doctor is meant to be grave robbing in that cutscene. He's digging up corpses for anatomical study 21:12:29
@_discord_331163953214390272:t2bot.iomandrakehorse * I think the doctor is meant to be grave robbing in that cutscene. He's digging up corpses for anatomical studies 21:12:32
@_discord_331163953214390272:t2bot.iomandrakehorse Some historical context: Body snatching used to be huge problem in 19th-century Britain and wasn't addressed until the infamous Burke and Hare murders of 1828 - Bullfrog clearly had the subject in mind when making this game because one of the receptionist's random voice lines references the pair ("Messrs Burke and Hare to the rear exit, please") 21:13:01
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold ok i think i've worked it out 21:13:26
@_discord_367754591367856138:t2bot.iolewri I thought he was just burying a patient 21:16:25
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold Electric Switch - Too Many Deaths

Hangover at Research Area - Too Low Reputation

The Closet Case - Bankruptcy

Driving Up - Bankruptcy

Grave Digging - Too Many Deaths (based off one of the random headlines being "TERMINAL MALPRACTICE", and another "DR DEATH'S DAY OF RECKONING", however this can be debated due to some giving some grave-digging references)

/ The Toilet - Bankruptcy
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold * Electric Switch - Too Many Deaths

Hangover at Research Area - Too Low Reputation

The Closet Case - Bankruptcy

Driving Up with a Hooker - Bankruptcy

Grave Digging - Too Many Deaths (based off one of the random headlines being "TERMINAL MALPRACTICE", and another "DR DEATH'S DAY OF RECKONING", however this can be debated due to some giving some grave-digging references)

/ The Toilet - Bankruptcy
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold * Electric Switch - Too Many Deaths

Hangover at Research Area - Too Low Reputation

The Closet Case - Bankruptcy

Driving Up with a Hook Up - Bankruptcy

Grave Digging - Too Many Deaths (based off one of the random headlines being "TERMINAL MALPRACTICE", and another "DR DEATH'S DAY OF RECKONING", however this can be debated due to some giving some grave-digging references)

/ The Toilet - Bankruptcy
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold mandrakehorse 21:20:21
@_discord_1060891866737954837:t2bot.ioRyan "Edgewurth" Penfold * Electric Switch - Too Many Deaths

Hangover at Research Area - Too Low Reputation

The Closet Case - Bankruptcy

Driving Up with a Hook Up - Too Low Reputation

Grave Digging - Too Many Deaths (based off one of the random headlines being "TERMINAL MALPRACTICE", and another "DR DEATH'S DAY OF RECKONING", however this can be debated due to some giving some grave-digging references)

/ The Toilet - Bankruptcy

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