
Scala CLI

415 Members
Scala CLI is a command-line tool to interact with the Scala language. It lets you compile, run, test, and package your Scala code (and more!) scala-cli.virtuslab.org4 Servers

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18 Dec 2023
@_discord_136559423265964032:t2bot.iofancy.1 changed their display name from fancy to fancy.1.00:35:28
@_discord_154558903290560512:t2bot.iojd557 I think you can do something similar with cs 🤔 21:34:28
@_discord_154558903290560512:t2bot.iojd557 https://get-coursier.io/docs/cli-launch 21:34:55
@_discord_154558903290560512:t2bot.iojd557 haha, ok, then ignore my advice 😅 21:35:27
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Is there any way of doing cross-building with scala-cli where the sources can differ between targets 12:26:22
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Something like the native/jvm folders in sbt 12:26:40
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime using target.platform I think 12:28:24
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime https://scala-cli.virtuslab.org/docs/reference/directives#platform-1 12:28:38
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 A directive in the files? 12:28:38
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime yep 12:28:41
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Ahhh cool, thanks 12:29:08
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Is there any reason why test doesn't actually run any tests but metals gives me green run buttons on them and I can run them that way just fine? 12:48:11
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 * Is there any reason why test doesn't actually run any tests but metals gives me green run buttons on them in vscode and I can run them that way just fine? 12:48:25
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 The test command just seems to be compiling the test project (properly, I'll add), but then doesn't decide to execute anything 12:57:06
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 I'll... Try... Not sure how to minimise this exactly 13:35:30
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Also, when setting the packageType to native in a build where using platform jvm native still requires passing --native on the command line (it tries to package with JVM otherwise and fails to find native); I assume this is unintentional and deserves an issue? 13:37:05
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 So it looks like the debug console for the metals green button shows the output of the tests just fine, but the test results panel does not 13:43:34
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 If I run scala-cli test . it compiles but doesn't run anything 13:49:58
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Which is why it's weird, the green button is doing more 13:50:17
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 -v -v -v didn't show anything interesting 13:50:29
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Scala test anyflatspec is what the classes are using 13:51:01
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Is there anything obvious I would be missing? I have src/main/scala/pkg and src/test/scala/pkg folders alongside my project.scala 13:53:31
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Project scala specifies the testdep on scalatest and also scalacheck (via scalatestplus) 13:54:05
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Yeah, I've definitely had it work before 13:58:52
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Just... Not here 13:58:55
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 This is a project I just ported over from sbt 13:59:11
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Nothing, just compiling, compiled, then command ends 13:59:25
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 I can give the -v -v -v log if that helps 14:00:59
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 I can put it in an issue 14:01:08
@_discord_228528632052711436:t2bot.ioj_mie6 Thanks 14:01:29

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