
OpenWrt 2025 (stable: 23.05.5)

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21 Jan 2025
@freestyle:nope.chatMurk Gos joined the room.10:27:01
@1_0_1:matrix.org1_0_1Hello, the wiki says that [https://openwrt.org/toh/linksys/lgs352c](Linksys LGS310C) is supported, but also mentions other models, for example the LGS328C; would it be compatible with the current firmware?15:53:59
@freestyle:nope.chatMurk Gos changed their display name from Murk Giuop to Murk Gos.10:32:08
@1_0_1:matrix.org1_0_1Thank you; the whole Linksys LGS3xxC / LGS3xxMPC family?16:58:10
@1_0_1:matrix.org1_0_1* Thank you; the entire Linksys LGS3xxC / LGS3xxMPC family?17:05:52
@akiraichfindedich:matrix.orgChristian Meyer joined the room.17:52:42
@1_0_1:matrix.org1_0_1Not there yet; would migrating to OpenWrt allow for hardening?20:00:38
@1_0_1:matrix.org1_0_1* Not there yet; would switching to OpenWrt allow for hardening?20:28:13
22 Jan 2025
@falk0n:matrix.org@falk0n:matrix.org left the room.09:49:40
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchsooo.... i have changed a hostname for a device i own. i deleted /etc/dhcp.leases rebooted my router and APs, reconnected the device but still it shows with its old hostname. what am i missing here??09:52:07
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchand no, there is no explicit static binding with the old hostname. checked that.09:52:29
@bartvanzoest:matrix.orgBart van ZoestDid you reboot that device?09:53:15
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchforgot to mention that :)09:54:07
@bartvanzoest:matrix.orgBart van ZoestDoes the device randomly assign itself a new mac address?09:55:23
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchnope its an esp32. no os layer09:55:48
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchbasically sticks and stones09:55:59
@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchbut the ip stays the same. that suggests for me that openWRT somehow 'remembers'09:57:43

as for IP staying the same, openwrt uses dnsmasq, and dnsmasq by default does the following:

Dnsmasq is designed to choose IP addresses for DHCP clients using a hash of the client's MAC address. This normally allows a client's address to remain stable long-term, even if the client sometimes allows its DHCP lease to expire. In this default mode IP addresses are distributed pseudo-randomly over the entire available address range.

taken from --dhcp-sequential-ip description in https://dnsmasq.org/docs/dnsmasq-man.html

@pitch:flipdot.orgpitchTIL. thanks i was not aware of that scheme.10:36:18
@xw2020:matrix.orgxw li joined the room.15:41:44
@mhnoyes:matrix.orgmhnoyeshttps://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/dhcp https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/dhcp_configuration https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/luci/static_ip16:28:28
@midishift:matrix.orgmidishift joined the room.22:23:39
23 Jan 2025
@jacknode0:matrix.orgJM “Expat Jack” Bellows joined the room.05:22:46
@lofi:nexions.netLofii changed their display name from Lofi to Lofii.08:30:04
@frederic:askarel.befrederic joined the room.10:26:14

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