
OpenWrt (current stable as of 2024: 23.05)

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25 Jul 2024
@chessbook:matrix.orgchessbook joined the room.08:08:07
@matthewsmithnaked:matrix.orgMax left the room.08:41:50
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.10:24:19
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.10:25:18
@mhnoyes:matrix.orgmhnoyesAnother place you can sometimes harvest used hardware from is companies that are upgrading. If you have some local, it's worth investigating their upgrade cycle.14:34:09
@mhnoyes:matrix.orgmhnoyeshttps://github.com/openwrt/packages/issues/22255 <-- may help14:49:43
@nova99:matrix.orgnovathanks, but ngl that looks like so much trouble 🥲17:15:39
@nova99:matrix.orgnovais it at all possible to get the compose working somehow? Just want containers in the same docker network to be able to connect to each other..17:16:39
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendy joined the room.19:56:19
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:08
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:40
@drtux007:matrix.org@drtux007:matrix.org left the room.21:36:06
@confess:matrix.orgstolen laptop, mcdonalds wifi, tor browser joined the room.22:52:53
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️ changed their display name from cynic to cynic 🏴‍☠️.23:26:41
26 Jul 2024
@jersey:ineedmore.domainsjersey joined the room.00:42:51
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeHow to setup DNSCrypt on the right way on OpenWrt?01:04:31
@sobahusn:matrix.orgSobahus N joined the room.01:25:50
@nova99:matrix.orgnovaThe containers run just fine on their own, it's a networking issue between docker and nftables, I don't see any information about that.05:18:33
@nova99:matrix.orgnovaThe same compose file works fine elsewhere like on my laptop. But on the nano-pi r4s the containers cannot connect to each other.05:19:31
@nova99:matrix.orgnova* The same compose file works fine elsewhere like on my laptop. But on the nano-pi r4s running openwrt, the containers cannot connect to each other.05:19:50
@nova99:matrix.orgnovaI CAN access the nextcloud via LAN, it gets stuck on setup because it cannot connect to PG. Also, if I expose the port, I CAN connect to pg from my laptop using psql and
@nova99:matrix.orgnovaMaybe that is the solution? Ditch compose, run each containers on its own, connect via
@nova99:matrix.orgnovaAh, I had to create a custom bridge network/device and add it to docker firewall zone, it works now https://forum.openwrt.org/t/openwrt-with-docker-docker-compose-network/150228/707:00:36
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouse set a profile picture.20:38:02
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouse changed their profile picture.20:43:14
27 Jul 2024
@darfk:matrix.orgdfk left the room.03:54:52

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