
OpenWrt (current stable as of 2024: 23.05)

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2 Oct 2024
@pacalvotan:matrix.org@pacalvotan:matrix.org left the room.16:09:38
3 Oct 2024
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0id joined the room.00:12:25
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idhi 00:27:56
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idi have a issue where i need to make mwan3 work with vpn 00:28:20
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idi load balancing 17 wan interfaces but when turn a vpn on it will use only one interface 00:29:48
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idi tried to deploy another openwrt router and start 17 vpn client and load balance them all with mwan3 00:31:11
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idbut the issue cant fouce openvpn to connect to a spsific interface 00:31:47
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idso thay will end up connecting over each other00:32:13
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idif there any one tell me how to do it 00:32:31
@mahroid:matrix.orgmahr0idi search online and found a command to route but the issue is all 17 conntion is going to the same geteway00:33:30
@sybo3:envs.netsybo3 joined the room.00:59:49
@kitty9301:tchncs.dekitty9301 joined the room.05:22:58
@gabriel23:matrix.org@gabriel23:matrix.org joined the room.05:34:56
@gabriel23:matrix.org@gabriel23:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:35:32
@petrichor:envs.netJez (he/him) ♾️mods? 05:44:39
@keysersoze:mxchat.czKeyser Söze banned @gabriel23:matrix.org@gabriel23:matrix.org (spam).06:19:09
@keysersoze:tchncs.deKeyser Söze banned @gabriel23:matrix.org@gabriel23:matrix.org (spam).06:19:42
@e.yasniy:matrix.orge.yasniy joined the room.10:46:56
@keysersoze:tchncs.deKeyser Söze left the room.13:36:48
@psoo80:matrix.orgpsoo80 joined the room.16:39:50
@webosi5203:matrix.orgwebosi5203 joined the room.16:42:01
@mahdi1234:matrix.orgmahdi changed their display name from mahdi to mahdi_test.16:57:52
@mahdi1234:matrix.orgmahdi changed their display name from mahdi_test to mahdi.16:58:09
@raution:matrix.org@raution:matrix.org left the room.17:08:57
@keysersoze:tchncs.deKeyser Söze joined the room.17:35:34
@help.you.guys:matrix.org@help.you.guys:matrix.org joined the room.17:52:57
@keysersoze:mxchat.czKeyser Söze banned @help.you.guys:matrix.org@help.you.guys:matrix.org (“verified sauce” in nodejs room).17:52:58
@keysersoze:tchncs.deKeyser Söze banned @help.you.guys:matrix.org@help.you.guys:matrix.org (spam).17:52:59
@kinoorga2:matrix.orgkinoorga2 joined the room.20:21:15
4 Oct 2024
@igawaasagi007:matrix.orgigawaasagi007Hi all. Are features such as 802.11s mesh and batman-adv available in DDWRT? I'm very familiar with the setup in OpenWRT, however I do have a Broadcom device I'd like to set up with similar functionality01:55:24

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