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Unofficial matrix channel about wireguard related stuff. Everything about installation, administration and usage can be discussed here! Wireguard - the fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel102 Servers

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9 Apr 2020
@6ixeyes:chat.opendesktop.org6ixeyes joined the room.15:22:31
10 Apr 2020
@hsnas8:matrix.orgHarald joined the room.11:35:42
@enilkcals:matrix.orgenilkcals joined the room.18:16:38
11 Apr 2020
@balaa:nola.noteworthy.imbalaa joined the room.03:20:15
In reply to @maiestro:matrix.org
Hi 🙂
@nickchow:matrix.orgkcin joined the room.13:46:12
@nickchow:matrix.orgkcin changed their display name from nickchow to kcin.13:51:32
13 Apr 2020
@rarawls:matrix.orgAlex joined the room.15:29:48
20 Apr 2020
@drio:magnetux.netdrio joined the room.16:17:07
@drio:magnetux.netdrio set a profile picture.16:17:58
22 Apr 2020
@rarawls:matrix.orgAlex left the room.18:31:04
23 Apr 2020
@rola:matrix.orgRobert joined the room.06:55:55
@rola:matrix.orgRobert left the room.06:56:42
@happyrode:matrix.orgkernelpanic joined the room.13:20:50
24 Apr 2020
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreas joined the room.18:34:06
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreasIs it possible to create a WireGuard "network" of more than 2 hosts? Of course I could create a star shaped network originating from a central hub, but I'd like all hosts of my VPN to be able to communicate to each other directly.18:36:24
25 Apr 2020
@idanoo:riot.kiwiidanoo joined the room.05:41:16
@idanoo:riot.kiwiidanoo Andreas: I believe so, you connect the second 'host' to the first one like a normal client, then add routes for the subnet to go through the tunnel 05:42:28
@drio:magnetux.netdrio Andreas: Absolutely.
If you have a dedicated server and run wireguard on it, each machine that connects to wireguard will have an IP. Then, if you enable routing in the server, it will forward packages as necessary.
If you don't want to setup your own server, look at tailscale (tailscale.com).
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreas drio: idanoo I had hoped that nodes can communicate directly, rather than via the "dedicated server". Because in my case the connection of the dedicated server is slow and sending everything back and forth would be wasteful. 17:31:05
@drio:magnetux.netdrioYou want to take a look to tailscale.com18:25:13
26 Apr 2020
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreas I have now set up a WireGuard network, and it works. However, I'd like to prevent any services to bind to the interface by default. My services (e.g. sshd) usually listen to I want to use the network only for passing it into Docker containers (which then can communicate directly). 08:17:58
@andreas:schildbach.deAndreas And maybe related: how can I set the interface scope to link (rather than the default global) within wg0.conf? 08:19:35
27 Apr 2020
@alfplayer:matrix.orgalfplayer joined the room.17:20:37
28 Apr 2020
@el_jochos:matrix.orgel_jochos joined the room.12:17:16
@el_jochos:matrix.orgel_jochosHey guys hope you can help me: I have a wireguard server and the connections to the clients is running fine. Now I want that the clients can see the other clients in the wireguard-network, so the wireguard-server has a similira function like a gateway. Can you please help me? :)12:18:51
29 Apr 2020
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens changed their display name from Cole Mickens to colemickens.00:35:36
@idanoo:riot.kiwiidanoo left the room.04:42:51
30 Apr 2020
@drio:magnetux.netdrio el_jochos: You just need to enable ip forwarding in your server.
Assuming linux run: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
@drio:magnetux.netdrioNow try to ping each of the clients in your wg network. 20:24:06

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