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23 Jul 2023
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i thought australia was based on UK govenrment 13:29:50
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup parliament minstries etc 13:29:54
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup notr a two party system 13:29:58
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 we have our own government. 13:30:02
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 labor and liberals tend to hold majority seats. 13:30:15
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 people want 'the greens' in tho 13:30:26
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 but all 3 are honesty becomming bad as eachother. 13:30:36
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 labor, however does at least want things like pay rises, decent working conditions and all that stuff 13:30:56
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 where as greens tend to go for climate change, indigenous rights and things like that 13:31:14
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 as far as i know 13:31:16
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i'ma be honest 13:31:20
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i dont' know anything about australia n politics 13:31:25
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup or what the parties st5and fro 13:31:28
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup might as well be speaking latin 13:31:36
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 i barely know myself. i tend to copy what my mum puts for voting 13:31:39
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i dont' vote 13:31:48
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 i have to. it's legal requirement 13:31:56
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup oh that's weir 13:32:02
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 you can be fined for not voting. it's not much of a fine, but you still get fined 13:32:23
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup ok 13:35:49
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 you go to your local school within your district to vote or ask to be able to vote via post. they often have sausage sizzles on voting days 13:36:35
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup it's similiar here 13:36:46
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i think other places here are included too' 13:36:56
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup in 2020 election 13:37:09
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup there was massive controverys 13:37:11
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup of republicans accusing democrats of vote fraud 13:37:16
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup when the republicans were the actual ones doing vote fraud 13:37:22
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 i like census time in australia 13:41:32
@_discord_224414134312239106:t2bot.io.straykid#0 it always feels like the government are angry parents yelling at thier children. "you need to stop putting jedi as your religion" or even "the flying spaghetti monster religion is not a religion" "you need to take this seriously" 13:42:07
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup ya 14:00:07

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