

435 Members
Discord bridge for scalameta/scalafmt3 Servers

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17 Apr 2024
@_discord_764117987707846707:t2bot.ioashwin1899 joined the room.07:25:43
18 Apr 2024
@_discord_810210642229329929:t2bot.iomzuehlke joined the room.06:39:00
@_discord_1106610376281444433:t2bot.ioemperorf joined the room.13:18:35
@_discord_474360877689208843:t2bot.iozanpreston joined the room.15:57:31
19 Apr 2024
@_discord_378367005624893452:t2bot.iorodney0 changed their profile picture.17:05:49
22 Apr 2024
@_discord_391890009319276546:t2bot.iorenghen joined the room.10:02:42
24 Apr 2024
@_discord_546733161388703811:t2bot.iodigitalmechanic joined the room.10:26:54
25 Apr 2024
@_discord_305013527763222528:t2bot.iooyvindberg joined the room.20:48:50
@_discord_121467287545839616:t2bot.ioMichael D changed their profile picture.20:57:04
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_644849095785054218:t2bot.iobjornregnell joined the room.11:40:44
27 Apr 2024
@_discord_254674063157493760:t2bot.iocobra8151 joined the room.09:53:05
30 Apr 2024
@_discord_421351560598257665:t2bot.io.gersondev changed their display name from gersondev to .gersondev.09:45:01
@_discord_372358874243661825:t2bot.iotoniogela Is it normal that using this conf:
runner.dialect = scala3
rewrite.scala3 {
    convertToNewSyntax = true
    newSyntax.control = false
    removeOptionalBraces = yes

the for {...} yield {...} will still get rewritten as for ... yield ... ?
@_discord_372358874243661825:t2bot.iotoniogela changed their profile picture.10:09:24
2 May 2024
@_discord_996509073564516544:t2bot.iovt19110882 joined the room.19:18:53
4 May 2024
@_discord_398060040419934209:t2bot.ioseverian_au changed their display name from severian to severian_au.02:39:05
6 May 2024
@_discord_779551845252595712:t2bot.iomrsauceman joined the room.16:37:16
7 May 2024
@_discord_518111661866090507:t2bot.ioVMetals changed their display name from water_underscore to VMetals.07:02:00
@_discord_651476755969998859:t2bot.iomvillafuerte joined the room.13:46:29
10 May 2024
@_discord_173205095863943168:t2bot.io.sandwichwizard changed their display name from .sandwichwizard#0 to .sandwichwizard.15:18:36
12 May 2024
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. How can I use tabs for formatting instead of spaces? 🤔 06:38:24
@_discord_242339905034911745:t2bot.ioJavier M joined the room.20:02:18
@_discord_673627799717937152:t2bot.iokitbellew write a shell script which would call scalafmt, then run a find piped to xargs invoking a sed. should be easy enough. 20:55:46
13 May 2024
@_discord_842266185873621022:t2bot.iosatorg Hi there! Is there a possibility in scalafmt to get an effective config option for a specific file after all the filtering and fileOverride got evaluated? Thank you! 00:01:22
@_discord_842266185873621022:t2bot.iosatorg changed their display name from satorg#0 to satorg.00:01:24
14 May 2024
@_discord_188611596832997385:t2bot.ioarturaz Why would vscode not run scalafmt on file save? 13:10:25
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik There is a setting to do that, but it's not on by default 13:14:24
15 May 2024
@_discord_1034169728001912952:t2bot.iokawaxte joined the room.07:09:20
16 May 2024
@_discord_1240667701685387370:t2bot.iorohith_02_ joined the room.14:22:10
@_discord_601140815187935274:t2bot.iosake92 joined the room.15:10:20

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