
Retroshare on-topic

220 Members
NEW, up to date room! Also join #Retroshare-IRC:matrix.org for exchanging keys. retroshare.cc The private and secure sharing and communication platform based on P2P/F2F network. Decentralized, distributed peer to peer social networking and instant messaging without servers. Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows also supported Chait, mail, file sharing, forums. Endorsed by prism-break.org See also: #securemessagingapps:matrix.org #friendi.ca:matrix.org27 Servers

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12 Jun 2024
@bruno_rodriguezz:matrix.orgbruno_rodriguezz joined the room.13:28:24
14 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org joined the room.22:11:22
@bkil:matrix.orgbkil banned @hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org.23:15:20
19 Jun 2024
@podlesnyak:matrix.org@podlesnyak:matrix.org joined the room.23:18:04
@podlesnyak:matrix.org@podlesnyak:matrix.org left the room.23:18:24
21 Jun 2024
@norvegan:monero.socialNorVegan joined the room.22:53:03
@norveganon:matrix.orgNorVegan joined the room.22:53:52
@norvegan:nope.chatNorVegan joined the room.22:53:16
22 Jun 2024
@buzz56:matrix.org@buzz56:matrix.org joined the room.18:13:00
@buzz56:matrix.org@buzz56:matrix.org left the room.18:13:25
25 Jun 2024
@telmu:matrix.org@telmu:matrix.org joined the room.17:41:01
26 Jun 2024
@bkil:matrix.orgbkil Hey @telmu , do you already have an ID to share? 00:05:30
@telmu:matrix.org@telmu:matrix.org left the room.04:37:33
5 Jul 2024
@simonmindset:matrix.org@simonmindset:matrix.org joined the room.01:08:06
@simonmindset:matrix.org@simonmindset:matrix.org left the room.01:08:35
In reply to @stevenfranssen:matrix.org
if you want cutting edge p2p use keet or something pear related
Have they open sourced it yet?
7 Jul 2024
@truedemon100:matrix.calitabby.comTrueDeMoN100google trackers still inside too16:49:20
@stevenfranssen:matrix.orgSteven Franssen
In reply to @norvegan:nope.chat
Have they open sourced it yet?
@stevenfranssen:matrix.orgSteven Franssen
In reply to @truedemon100:matrix.calitabby.com
google trackers still inside too
no? where did you see that?
@stevenfranssen:matrix.orgSteven Franssenhttps://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/io.keet.app/23:53:37
@stevenfranssen:matrix.orgSteven Franssenthere was several versions where trackers were left in unintentionally by mistake because of libraries used but the trackers themself were never use23:55:24
@stevenfranssen:matrix.orgSteven Franssen* there was several versions where trackers were left in unintentionally by mistake because of libraries used but the trackers themselves were never used23:56:54
8 Jul 2024
@truedemon100:matrix.calitabby.comTrueDeMoN100it's googles policy if you want the app to be in the app store14:11:15
9 Jul 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Reddit: Testing retroshare ... my key 18:32:46
11 Jul 2024
@snipperssonizia:matrix.orgsnipperssonizia joined the room.18:59:02
12 Jul 2024
@yepalee:matrix.org@yepalee:matrix.org joined the room.06:48:16
@yepalee:matrix.org@yepalee:matrix.org left the room.06:52:57
17 Jul 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Reddit: my retroshare key 13:23:14
21 Jul 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Reddit: Why are there so many profiles in Network -> Keyring 23:07:15

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