
~vern announcements

239 Members
Announcements related to ~vern. space: #space:vern.cc 12 Servers

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9 Jul 2023
@pjals_:matrix.org@pjals_:matrix.org set a profile picture.10:38:04
@platitude:the-apothecary.club@platitude:the-apothecary.club left the room.22:37:28
19 Jul 2023
@pjals_:matrix.org@pjals_:matrix.org left the room.10:49:05
23 Jul 2023
@ajhalili2006:envs.net~ajhalili2006 [ recaptime.eu.org / sr.ht / tildeverse ] joined the room.15:19:49
30 Jul 2023
@autione:envs.net@autione:envs.net changed their display name from AutiOne ~e to AutiOne.13:34:14
@autione:envs.net@autione:envs.net changed their profile picture.13:34:40
12 Aug 2023
@gitrowastaken:matrix.org@gitrowastaken:matrix.org left the room.17:03:52
24 Aug 2023
@darylsun:matrix.org@darylsun:matrix.org left the room.21:08:44
@fancypop:matrix.org@fancypop:matrix.org joined the room.22:53:46
@fancypop:matrix.org@fancypop:matrix.org left the room.22:54:54
22 Sep 2023
@arya:envs.netArya [Migrated to @arya:frei.chat] changed their display name from Arya [Migrated to @aryak:projectsegfau.lt] to Arya [Migrated to @arya:frei.chat].12:30:25
30 Sep 2023
@queencake10:matrix.org@queencake10:matrix.org left the room.06:10:44
2 Oct 2023
@gopnik_001:matrix.orgGOPNIK_001 joined the room.03:30:22
22 Oct 2023
@notrealvitali64:matrix.orgf_[mtrx]-NOTUSED changed their display name from f_ (vitali64) to f_[mtrx].20:52:43
28 Oct 2023
@arboy2001:matrix.orgArboy 🇵🇸 changed their display name from Arboy to Arboy 🇵🇸.06:34:06
4 Nov 2023
@ajhalili2006:envs.net~ajhalili2006 [ recaptime.eu.org / sr.ht / tildeverse ] changed their display name from ~ajhalili2006 [ recaptime.eu.org / sr.ht / vern.cc + projectsegfau.lt ] to ~ajhalili2006 [ recaptime.eu.org / sr.ht / tildeverse ].02:34:29
6 Dec 2023
@hantian:matrix.orgPeerin joined the room.01:03:21
22 Dec 2023
@autione:envs.net@autione:envs.net left the room.15:21:58
16 Jan 2024
@arboy2001:matrix.orgArboy 🇵🇸 changed their profile picture.14:44:39
22 Jan 2024
@not-leader:envs.netnot_leader changed their profile picture.17:18:53
26 Jan 2024
@notrealvitali64:matrix.orgf_[mtrx]-NOTUSED changed their display name from f_[mtrx] to f_[mx-1].08:38:17
@notrealvitali64:matrix.orgf_[mtrx]-NOTUSED changed their display name from f_[mx-1] to f_[mtrx]2.11:36:25
29 Jan 2024
@not-leader:envs.netnot_leader changed their display name from Not_Leader to not_leader.13:00:32
20 Feb 2024
@notrealvitali64:matrix.orgf_[mtrx]-NOTUSED changed their display name from f_[mtrx]2 to f_[mtrx]-NOTUSED.16:18:56
26 Feb 2024
@pspspsps420:techsaviours.org@pspspsps420:techsaviours.org left the room.23:52:28
2 Mar 2024
@noob_tea:matrix.org@noob_tea:matrix.org left the room.08:06:28
10 Apr 2024
@prit:matrix.orglola changed their display name from Prit to lola.13:08:42
10 Jul 2024
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org 16:06:59
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org removed their display name masto.16:07:02
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org left the room.16:07:10

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