

22 Members
Still UNOFFICIAL. This may become the official rust-embedded instant messaging location (or another home server may be chosen) - see https://github.com/rust-embedded/wg/issues/362 Until then, see #mozilla_#rust-embedded:matrix.org3 Servers

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25 Jun 2019
@freenode_disasm_:matrix.org@freenode_disasm_:matrix.org joined the room.17:50:34
@adamgreig:matrix.orgadamgreigyou should see this message from matrix17:50:54
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmThat's much better :)17:50:55
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmBut why two ##?17:51:39
@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org it's freenode symbolism for 'unofficial' 17:52:53
@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.orgor like... community group, not officially associated with the name17:53:19
@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org we'd ideally use #rust-embedded for an official room, but a) this test is unofficial b) we don't own that room and can't get an op there atm 17:53:43
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.org joined the room.19:05:10
@adamgreig:matrix.orgadamgreig hi therealprof 19:05:40
@posborne:matrix.orgposborne joined the room.19:06:00
@thejpster:matrix.org@thejpster:matrix.org joined the room.19:07:18
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:09:11
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.orgTwo adamgreigs for twice the fun. 😁19:09:33
@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org@freenode_adamgreig:matrix.org i'm here from irc too ;) 19:09:34
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.orgHm, correcting a previous message doesn't seem to work, seeing it twice...19:10:32
@adamgreig:matrix.orgadamgreigI don't know what the correcting semantics are, maybe only if it's the most recent message?19:11:21
@adamgreig:matrix.orgadamgreigI don't know what the correcting semantics are, maybe only if it's the most recent message? (test)19:11:28
@adamgreig:matrix.orgadamgreigor just pressing up doesn't correct, lol19:11:34
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.orgno, pressing up repeats the last msg :D19:11:55
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.orgSeems to work on the regular Rust (lang) channel on matrix though. 🤷19:12:35
@posborne:matrix.orgposborne set a profile picture.19:15:16
* @thejpster:matrix.org@thejpster:matrix.org wonders if IRCisms work19:15:20
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmCreated https://matrix.to/#/+rust-embedded:matrix.org, but I don't know how we can get use of it19:21:20
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmMaybe for links to other places and/or offtopic rooms19:21:51
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.orgnot sure what I just joined, but I joined19:23:00
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.org set a profile picture.19:23:47

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