

20 Members
Still UNOFFICIAL. This may become the official rust-embedded instant messaging location (or another home server may be chosen) - see https://github.com/rust-embedded/wg/issues/362 Until then, see #mozilla_#rust-embedded:matrix.org3 Servers

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25 Jun 2019
* @thejpster:matrix.org@thejpster:matrix.org wonders if IRCisms work19:15:20
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmCreated https://matrix.to/#/+rust-embedded:matrix.org, but I don't know how we can get use of it19:21:20
@disasm-ewg:matrix.orgdisasmMaybe for links to other places and/or offtopic rooms19:21:51
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.orgnot sure what I just joined, but I joined19:23:00
@therealprof:matrix.org@therealprof:matrix.org set a profile picture.19:23:47
@thejpster:matrix.org@thejpster:matrix.orgwait, what's the difference19:28:58
@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org joined the room.19:30:59
@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org I'm here from IRC as well as Riot.im. 19:31:10
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.organd here I was, thinking that the bar on the left of the Riot UI was completely useless19:31:37
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.orgI still don't understand what I just joined though19:32:10
@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org@freenode_brandonz:matrix.org jschievink: I believe you're talking to the rust-embedded channel on matrix.org. 19:33:05
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org brandonz: yes, but the link that was just posted added me to the rust-embedded community, whatever that is 19:33:51
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall jschievink: I think that's effectively a curated list of channels. 19:35:04
@freenode_theJPster:matrix.org@freenode_theJPster:matrix.org joined the room.19:35:18
@freenode_theJPster:matrix.org@freenode_theJPster:matrix.orgwell this seems fairly painless19:35:49
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org TimSmall: oh... that's it? seems weird to have dedicated non-hideable UI for that 19:35:58
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall jschievink: Hmm, yes. I didn't have that until I joined that community I think. 19:39:01
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org wow, the community button is hideable, but the bar containing it always stays there 19:39:48
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall jschievink: Oh well, you can alway open a bug, the team seem fairly responsive. 19:39:59
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall jschievink: I opened 3 matrix.org documentation bugs today, they all got fixed within an hour... 19:41:16
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org there already are bugs for all the UI/UX issues I believe; they never got prioritized, which makes sense since Matrix 1.0 only just released 19:41:19
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org TimSmall: oh cool, that's pretty impressive :) 19:41:31
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmall jschievink: They're rewriting Riot I think "RiotX" I beleive? 19:41:52
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmallSo maybe they're only doing minimal fixes on Riot in the meantime? I dunno.19:42:55
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org TimSmall: oh wow, I had no idea, that look very promising! 19:43:27
@jschievink:matrix.org@jschievink:matrix.org*looks (why can't you edit messages here?)19:43:42

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