
Python in Heliophysics

326 Members
A new room for collaborations in Python tools for all heliophysics http://heliopython.org25 Servers

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1 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U071KQWKPA6:openastronomy.orgMatthew Bourque joined the room.20:13:58
@slack_pyhc_U071KQWKPA6:openastronomy.orgMatthew Bourque set a profile picture.20:13:58
@slack_pyhc_U0728PMUP40:openastronomy.orgTony Mercer joined the room.20:47:50
@slack_pyhc_U0728PMUP40:openastronomy.orgTony Mercer set a profile picture.20:47:51
@slack_pyhc_U071KHNNX5H:openastronomy.orgChris Piker changed their profile picture.21:05:16
2 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U071SC7QP35:openastronomy.orgLuke Dahl joined the room.19:58:49
@slack_pyhc_U071SC7QP35:openastronomy.orgLuke Dahl set a profile picture.19:58:49
3 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U071X9FKVD1:openastronomy.orgRandolf Klein joined the room.16:56:45
@slack_pyhc_U071X9FKVD1:openastronomy.orgRandolf Klein set a profile picture.16:56:45
@slack_pyhc_U045L7RAAEL:openastronomy.orgJon Vandegriff What are the current dates for the PyHC Fall meeting? I know they might be in flux by a day or so, based on interest in timing it to be adjacent to a follow-up Open Science Data Systems Workshp, but which week in November is the fall meeting currently scheduled? 17:37:41
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum 12-14 nov 17:40:20
@slack_pyhc_U045L7RAAEL:openastronomy.orgJon Vandegriff Thanks! 17:40:34
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Sure thing ! 17:44:28
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QW4bosn8ezT5E3sVpN0D8v_pnNHq26I9vivIKIrccgU/edit#gid=0 šŸ˜‰ 20:56:32
@slack_pyhc_U0721DWNQRJ:openastronomy.orgAmy Burzynski joined the room.22:33:33
@slack_pyhc_U0721DWNQRJ:openastronomy.orgAmy Burzynski set a profile picture.22:33:33
4 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U045L7RAAEL:openastronomy.orgJon Vandegriff Lots of communicating going on! 22:31:55
@slack_pyhc_U045L7RAAEL:openastronomy.orgJon Vandegriff There's also GEM, CEDAR and SHINE which are more science oriented, but these are ones we should consider as targets for tutorial sessions for the user community. 22:31:56
6 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey all, a reminder that we have a telecon today in one hour at 9 AM MT | 11 AM ET | 15 UTC! Alex Koufos will join us to give a US-RSE Overview and answer general questions about it. Iā€™m hoping we can get some conversations started and see how we might be able to integrate more with the US-RSE. Zoom: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97372369069 14:00:11
@slack_pyhc_U0624TDA2LR:openastronomy.orgJim Lewis We'll be doing a PySPEDAS session at GEM. 15:01:59
7 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U065QNPF946:openastronomy.orgPeter Shumate changed their profile picture.13:48:19
8 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U072N9TB4BE:openastronomy.orgMike Shumko joined the room.17:09:07
@slack_pyhc_U072N9TB4BE:openastronomy.orgMike Shumko set a profile picture.17:09:07
9 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U06EALSHP6Z:openastronomy.orgIndia Jackson Hi all! I need a little help. During one of my NASA internships, I used CVAT to manually bound and annotate solar events...I've figured out a way to automate this process using computer vision techniques. I'm in the process of preparing ROSES and postdoc proposals and I'm having a hard time finding literature on using pixel intensity as a threshold for feature extraction in heliophysics. Any help or guidance towards any papers, work, software created, anything that can help me would be great! 22:26:29
10 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0727Q2F29W:openastronomy.orgCourtney Peck Maybe this paper (and refs within could be helpful)? https://www.swsc-journal.org/articles/swsc/full_html/2019/01/swsc180074/swsc180074.html 15:23:41
@slack_pyhc_U06EALSHP6Z:openastronomy.orgIndia Jackson thank you 19:37:03
11 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0624TDA2LR:openastronomy.orgJim Lewis Huge geomagnetic storm incoming - be on the lookout for aurora if you have clear skies this weekend! 00:33:45
@slack_pyhc_U0624TDA2LR:openastronomy.orgJim Lewis Here's the view from Merced, CA, around 12:30 am local time. My first aurora sighting! 18:23:45
13 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U072N9TB4BE:openastronomy.orgMike Shumko Here is what we saw from West Virginia! 21:34:31
16 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy Looks like Python 3.13 will have a shiny new REPL! ā€¢ Color prompt ā€¢ Auto-indentation ā€¢ Copying and pasting code that actually works ā€¢ Typing exit will actually exit. šŸ™€ (No need to remember to do exit()!) ā€¢ Block-level history Unfortunately this would be just for Linux & macOS, until the curses and readline packages used for this become supported on Windows. 17:32:37

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