
Python in Heliophysics (PyHC)

325 Members
A room for collaborations in Python tools for all heliophysics http://heliopython.org25 Servers

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30 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U057UEW4P4N:openastronomy.orgNabil Freij I opened a PHEP for the astropy.time.Time, which will try to establish a new PyHC standard around astropy.time and is now open for reviews and comments (see here). Since this is a really broad ranging PHEP, ideally everyone who is part of PyHC regardless of having a core package, any package or even no package should get involved and this is an open call for just that. Right now, I think it's a OK state with some open questions that need resolving, Thank you in advance for your reviews and comments. 01:40:37
31 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U07EVKHEKLK:openastronomy.orgslack_pyhc_U07EVKHEKLK joined the room.11:14:45
1 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U071CSGBK46:openastronomy.orgVeronica Martinez It looks like abstracts are due August 10th and registration is due September 15th. DASH deadlines 21:52:37
7 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy 💭 How would we feel about organizing a Heliophysics Hack Week next summer? This would be something similar to Astro Hack Week, where the schedule has typically included morning tutorials and afternoon hack sessions or unconferences. It would complement the PyHC summer school by being an opportunity for heliophysicists to learn how to contribute to an open source project. For the PlasmaPy summer school last week, it really helped that we brought in Shauna Gordon-McKeon to lead the tutorials on the more general open sourcery topics. She did a great job! 23:20:13
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy I should mention that I'm not sure how much I could help out with this since I may be organizing another plasma hack week again, and also my funding runs out this spring. 🙃 💸 23:21:19
8 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U048VJMC6UC:openastronomy.orgBrian Thomas Sounds great! We’d be happy to donate heliocloud time to this 13:35:28
9 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum I'm all for it Nick Murphy! 18:35:24
@slack_pyhc_U07GDPNAN1J:openastronomy.orgJesse Mostipak joined the room.18:44:18
@slack_pyhc_U07GDPNAN1J:openastronomy.orgJesse Mostipak changed their display name from slack_pyhc_U07GDPNAN1J to Jesse Mostipak.18:51:24
@slack_pyhc_U07GDPNAN1J:openastronomy.orgJesse Mostipak set a profile picture.18:51:24
@slack_pyhc_U07GDPNAN1J:openastronomy.orgJesse Mostipak changed their profile picture.18:51:26
12 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum If you didn't see the email, we have a telecon starting in one min now at 9 AM MT | 11 AM ET | 15 UTC. We’ll hear from Zach Boquet on his efforts towards building tools to analyze FAIR for HDRL datasets. I attached the abstract for this talk. 14:59:53
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event15:00:06
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97372369069 15:00:18
15 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey all, that time of year - I'm in the process of crafting the PyHC fall 2024 meeting agenda (taking place the week of Nov 11th, concurrently with the next SDS workshop). Let me know if you have anything you'd like to present to the larger group and/or requests for specific topics. 00:10:55
@slack_pyhc_U07A7DUBNV6:openastronomy.orgK Cariglia changed their display name from Katherine Cariglia to K Cariglia.13:05:49
26 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy Would this be a good time to bring up the idea of organizing a heliophysics hack week next summer? 16:14:31
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof I've opened up three issues for discussion of the standards which do not currently have open pheps: https://github.com/heliophysicsPy/standards/issues/33 https://github.com/heliophysicsPy/standards/issues/34 https://github.com/heliophysicsPy/standards/issues/35 I am absolutely not in a rush to draft any of these (and also don't need to be the one doing the writing if/when something is drafted) but it seems appropriate to start the conversations 16:40:13
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum YES 16:51:57
@slack_pyhc_U057UEW4P4N:openastronomy.orgNabil Freij We should also consider how these would work with the potential move towards PyOpenSci and its review process. I would say also scientific-python, but I don't think they are focused on those topics at the moment. 18:45:54
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof good point, to what extent do we want our own standards vs. incorporating PyOpenSci's vs. saying "look over there and do that" 18:50:48
@slack_pyhc_U057UEW4P4N:openastronomy.orgNabil Freij Its been a while since i looked at the PyOpenSci review list (so I forgot what they check for) but this I think was one area where they are kind of lax on and I would like to improve that on their side to check the items in those issues you opened. 18:54:39
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Yes, I believe they were purposefully lax so as to allow flexibility for communities. One thing we need to come together and decide on is our particular standards we'd want packaged to be graded against during the pyOpenSci standard. 21:25:40
28 Aug 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hi all, The PyHC fall 2024 meeting will take place Monday, Nov 11th – Wednesday, Nov 13th in-person at LASP and online on Zoom. Registration is free, but required if you want email updates about the meeting – registration due date for in-person attendance is Friday, October 25th EOD. See meeting page for more links (agenda is still heavily under construction, but it will be great as always). 21:29:04
29 Aug 2024
@jeandet:one.ems.hostjeandethello, is there an issue with CDAWeb servers? I can't access them.16:03:37
@slack_pyhc_U05B7RKEVB8:openastronomy.orgSamuel Badman i think so, i can't load SPDF pages either: https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 16:05:58
@jeandet:one.ems.hostjeandetOk thanks, it's not a network issue on side then 😅.16:06:50
@slack_pyhc_U05B7RKEVB8:openastronomy.orgSamuel Badman spdf is loading again for me now! 17:45:56
6 Sep 2024
@chaitali-chaitali:matrix.orgLogical changed their display name from Lona-Logical to Logical.17:06:07
@chaitali-chaitali:matrix.orgLogical changed their profile picture.21:05:37

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