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2 Jan 2024
@_discord_176019265659338763:t2bot.iodiogotr7 test script just sends a rainbow, it should look the same on all keyboards 21:36:44
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno Ok, I'll go and check the upstream code also. Have you got a verbose log there I could look at also? 21:38:29
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno * Ok, I'll go and check the upstream code also. Have you got a verbose log there I could look at? 21:38:36
@_discord_176019265659338763:t2bot.iodiogotr7 One second 21:38:37
@_discord_176019265659338763:t2bot.iodiogotr7Download OpenRGB_20240102_213918.log21:39:49
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 Honestly, that didn't fully answer the question... 21:40:11
@_discord_176019265659338763:t2bot.iodiogotr7 I don't know how much what you have is still based on Wooting's code, but here: https://github.com/WootingKb/wooting-rgb-sdk/pull/59 21:42:56
@_discord_527185417896722434:t2bot.iosir_qwex I think we need that flag or its impossible to remove the plugin at least for windows(the default one for windows disallow that), because it has seg fault in linux I would just only set that flag in case of windows. 22:20:56
@_discord_527185417896722434:t2bot.iosir_qwex And it is also possible that the main issue with removing plugin is only present at windows 22:21:47
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 We get new releases approximately once or twice a year, yet there is no fixed release dates. We have a plan of what has to be done before the next release and there won't be one until those criteria are met. 18:07:46
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 the protocol is similar to https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/issues/3551 20:52:37
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 same VID 20:52:56
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 same batch of packets 20:53:10
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 ^ 20:57:19
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 we did not add it 20:57:32
@_discord_281034481773707264:t2bot.iomorg7672 i just had a look at both captures 20:57:43
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_780856030514249798:t2bot.io.dark8088 changed their display name from dark8088 to .dark8088.03:52:10
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta We don’t need the software, we need captures of the software talking to the device. #reverse-engineering is the place to get started in getting it supported. 04:26:29
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta See the pins for some guides. 04:28:18
@_discord_202224154550861824:t2bot.iogeo_bot the last commit had a couple misspellings, I fixed them https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/merge_requests/2213 19:47:53
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 calcprogrammer1 when you have the time, could you please explain to me why the JSON serialization code in
settings_file << settings_data.dump(4);
(with a conversion to a string, which is buffered, then dumped into a stream, and then destroyed) instead of a direct
operator <<
, i.e.
settings_file << settings_data;
that dumps the data directly into the stream as the data gets serialized, with the indentation witdth set prior to the call?
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * calcprogrammer1 when you have the time, could you please explain to me why the JSON serialization code in SettingsManager::SaveSettings() uses
settings_file << settings_data.dump(4);
(with a conversion to a string, which is buffered, then dumped into a stream, and then destroyed) instead of a direct
operator <<
, i.e.
settings_file << settings_data;
that dumps the data directly into the stream as the data gets serialized, with the indentation witdth set prior to the call?
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * calcprogrammer1 when you have the time, could you please explain to me why the JSON serialization code in SettingsManager::SaveSettings() uses
settings_file << settings_data.dump(4);
(with a conversion to a string, which is buffered, then dumped into a stream, and then destroyed) instead of a direct operator <<, i.e.
settings_file << settings_data;
that dumps the data directly into the stream as the data gets serialized, with the indentation witdth set prior to the call?
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 It doesn't look like a possible source of config corruption, but I'm spotting an inefficiency here, both in memory use and CPU time use. 02:24:18
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 I don't know if I knew that was an option 03:05:41
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 if it does the same thing but with more efficiency then I'm OK switching to it 03:06:03
Download image.png
@_discord_454232751537651712:t2bot.iodjmalachite changed their profile picture.09:28:23
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_175443359886737408:t2bot.ioyellobird changed their profile picture.15:57:03
@_discord_393463734695100446:t2bot.io森口友治 #openrgb-tech-support 22:29:25

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