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8 Jan 2024
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 chr1sno another possible scenario for the trigger manager :D 20:15:07
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno How would you distinguish a client loss versus a normal client disconnect? Put another way you may want the server to run in the BG and only interact with that server occasionally from a script or some other front end. In this scenario its likely you don't want to apply a profile on client disconnect. 01:44:16
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 Actually, I think the idea was that it doesn't matter, we only look for number of clients = 0. 01:59:56
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Actually, I think the idea was that it doesn't matter, we only look for number of clients = 0, i.e. track the moment when orders stop coming. 02:00:02
@_discord_176686431329189888:t2bot.iochr1sno That's problematic for the way the server can be used' 02:00:11
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 true 02:00:26
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 But I think, if the user is using those hit-and-go CLI commands, they understand why it wouldn't work with this trigger. 02:01:20
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 Also also, it might need an (optional!) timeout of ~10 seconds 02:01:45
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Also also, it might need an (optional!) timeout of ~10 seconds, so if the orders are given by clients that disconnect immediately after each command, it doesn't flicker 02:02:31
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Also also, it might need an (optional!) timeout of ~10 seconds, so if the orders are given by clients that disconnect immediately after each command, it doesn't flicker (ideally, make it so the trigger works on disconnect detection, but postponed if last connection was made less than 10 seconds ago) 02:04:16
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Also also, it might need an (optional!) timeout of ~10 seconds, so if the orders are given by clients that disconnect immediately after each command, it doesn't flicker (ideally, make it so the trigger works on disconnect detection, but postponed if last connection was made less than 10 seconds ago, and it gets cancelled if in those 10 seconds we got a new event) 02:04:47
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 As far as I know, the SDK doesn't know who (or what) is sending commands to the server. In some configurations it doesn't even have to be on the same machine. 05:51:59
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 As for TriggerManager, we don't even have that yet, but your case seems to add a reason to implement it 05:52:57
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 oh, so it does know :O
Well, then we could throw together something like that, but Calc ain't gonna like it
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 Actually, the opposite. He doesn't want anything extra in the core app. 06:04:07
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Actually, the opposite. He doesn't want anything extra in the core app. Hence the effects are a plugin (or even a separate app). 06:05:09
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 * Actually, the opposite. He doesn't want anything extra in the core app. Hence the effects are always done in a plugin (or even a separate app). 06:05:33
@_discord_268486869975695360:t2bot.iok1_801 Have fun with it :) 06:09:41
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill actually this depends on the Client tool, the name can be entered there how OpenRGb detects how it is beeing connected through, i mean with this
in artemis u can edit the Plugin Propertys and chenge the name from "Artemis" to whatever u want to, OpenRGB just reports this then in server tab
@_discord_224264504748408834:t2bot.ioCodename-Antares | Artemis Shill i think this is part of the Protocoll V4 Features? 14:39:39
@_discord_309802310861586434:t2bot.iovele_chris changed their display name from Vele/Chris to vele_chris.16:31:18
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 haven't tried 2022 but we build through qt so you would have to configure qt to use msvc 2022 21:23:06
@_discord_214930545027579906:t2bot.iocalcprogrammer1 I think the default qt install assumes 2017 or 2019 21:23:29
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta Qt 5.12.x or whatever the latest one that you can get without creating an account is fine. 21:27:27
@_discord_671438131802800141:t2bot.iotheroguezeta https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.12/5.12.12/ 21:29:16
12 Jan 2024
@_discord_139075711553110016:t2bot.iodarkiox changed their display name from Darkiox to darkiox.19:06:28
@_discord_218881660530196482:t2bot.ioformula_1 changed their profile picture.19:23:01
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_450743046808666142:t2bot.iomola4019 chr1sno I just saw this commit you made to the Roccat detector file https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/commit/93fc20de368a3bbc83fe7c2fcccd35e2f21b6c35

Is that really necessary? I don't really understand why the pids and detectors have to be sorted alphabetically. Before they were sorted by device type which makes much more sense to me and is also the way most peripheral detectors do it
28 Feb 2024
@jeromegood:matrix.org@jeromegood:matrix.org left the room.10:25:27
3 Apr 2024
@jopejoe1:matrix.org@jopejoe1:matrix.org left the room.19:23:22

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