23 Mar 2023 |
| loomit joined the room. | 17:39:07 |
7 Apr 2023 |
| Beatrice joined the room. | 23:19:30 |
Beatrice | Redacted or Malformed Event | 23:52:08 |
10 Apr 2023 |
| 🌿🔹🅰️nne🌿 changed their display name from 🌿🔹🅰️nn:e🌿 to 🌿🔹🅰️naMarie🌿. | 05:23:13 |
| 🌿🔹🅰️nne🌿 changed their profile picture. | 05:23:16 |
11 Apr 2023 |
| evie_kurt001 joined the room. | 21:44:31 |
16 Apr 2023 |
| ChεsspΩwεr960 changed their profile picture. | 16:26:45 |
27 Apr 2023 |
| @tyrion_ancap:matrix.org joined the room. | 07:41:44 |
| @tyrion_ancap:matrix.org left the room. | 07:41:57 |
| @arwen44:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:07:57 |
| @arwen44:matrix.org left the room. | 15:08:29 |
29 Apr 2023 |
| imlostlmao joined the room. | 08:50:16 |
1 May 2023 |
| ChεsspΩwεr960 changed their profile picture. | 03:20:36 |
| dylancanrap joined the room. | 04:01:41 |
5 May 2023 |
| @ralph:fx45.in joined the room. | 18:42:58 |
10 May 2023 |
☁️♔ Schach-Archiv/Cloud ♚☁ | Download Schachspiel_selber_bauen_Bildungszentrum_rotros_komplette_Bearbeitung.mp4 | 16:03:47 |
☁️♔ Schach-Archiv/Cloud ♚☁ | Forwarded message from channel ♔ Schach-Archiv/Cloud ♚ Schachspiel selber bauen - Bildungszentrum - rotros - komplette Bearbeitung - CNC | 16:03:47 |
12 May 2023 |
| luffy joined the room. | 19:38:11 |
15 May 2023 |
| Cybertron changed their profile picture. | 17:57:16 |
20 May 2023 |
| @ralph:fx45.in left the room. | 22:26:22 |
| Vincent Kadar joined the room. | 23:38:41 |
23 May 2023 |
Vincent Kadar | Redacted or Malformed Event | 14:12:54 |
31 May 2023 |
| Gerda 🌶 changed their display name from Gerda to Gerda 🌶. | 03:21:14 |
| Gerda 🌶 changed their profile picture. | 03:21:15 |
2 Jun 2023 |
| @wojman:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:01:56 |
| @wojman:matrix.org left the room. | 17:03:05 |
20 Jun 2023 |
| Cybertron changed their profile picture. | 18:20:27 |
27 Jul 2023 |
| @juanca1234:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:00:34 |
29 Jul 2023 |
| @juanca1234:matrix.org left the room. | 03:19:06 |
30 Jul 2023 |
| @1123_1:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:51:31 |