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7 Mar 2017
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgif you have given operator schedule18:41:30
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgbasically you know the last operation each tensor is part of18:41:39
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgso you know that after that it can be dorpped, or even used for inplace18:41:49
16 Mar 2017
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org Parenchyma 0.0.3! 🎉✌️ https://github.com/lychee-eng/parenchyma 22:34:06
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgcongrats :clap: 22:42:07
17 Mar 2017
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org Here’s another graph-based ML library https://github.com/millardjn/alumina 12:57:49
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgthat one seems mainly targeting rust14:19:18
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org @botev There’s no reason the sigmoid function found in Leaf couldn’t be converted to GIR and then compiled to CUDA/OpenCL, correct? 16:23:33
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org (edited) ... to CUDA/OpenCL, correct? => ... to CUDA/OpenCL kernels, correct? 16:24:14
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org (edited) ... to CUDA/OpenCL kernels, correct? => ... to a CUDA/OpenCL kernel, correct? 16:24:30
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.orgWhile keeping Leaf’s API16:26:15

@botev I checked out your arrayfire crate for GIR.. You aren’t doing any source/kernel generation, you’re simply using arrayfire Arrays instead of compiling the source to a kernel and then loading it in arrayfire.

Is there a reason for that?

@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgyou can not the kernel generation in Arrayfire16:52:14
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgthe reason is arrayfire is easy to get things going, as it implements this and works on anything16:52:33
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.org I'm currently working on the opencl bit 16:52:40
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgwhere kernel generation will happen16:52:50
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgArrayfire is a nice abstraction to use, and to show how the graph works, without needing to do kernel generation16:53:21
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.orgI understand. You’re basically creating a heavily optimized transpiler, which is a huge undertaking16:55:41
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org (edited) ... optimized transpiler, which ... => ... optimized transpiler - which ... 16:55:52
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgwhat is transpiler? it also ilustrates how you can used the autodiff of gir in to other packages which already have numerical routines16:56:34
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org You aren’t essentially transpiling Rust to CL? 16:57:26
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgis that like translating?16:57:37
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgim sorry never came across the term16:57:44
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org Yes, basically. I should probably use the word translator, anyway 16:58:25
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.orgOr compiler16:58:54
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgthen yes, however I like to think of it as a Meta-LLVM16:59:26
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.orgllvm what it does is it takes some code in language X and translates it to architecture Y16:59:45
@gitter_jonysy:matrix.org@gitter_jonysy:matrix.orgA transpiler is a source-to-source language translator. So, it compiles (or translates, for that matter) a source to another source16:59:47
@gitter_botev:matrix.org@gitter_botev:matrix.org (edited) ... to architecture ... => ... to binary for architecture ... 17:00:00

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