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Unofficial room for chatter about the Elixir language. This room is publicly logged. For a room tunneled with the IRC channel, go to #elixir:libera.chat.89 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:40:45
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:48:31
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org left the room.03:48:53
29 Apr 2024
@vical:matrix.orgvi cal joined the room.16:28:00
30 Apr 2024
@emadshaaban:matrix.orgemadshaaban joined the room.20:06:45
@joeljuca:matrix.orgjoeljuca joined the room.21:23:50
@joeljuca:matrix.orgjoeljuca changed their display name from Joel Jucá to joeljuca.21:24:20
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.22:34:45
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:28:03
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:28:21
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:29:47
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:30:20
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:32:23
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie joined the room.23:32:35
1 May 2024
@ackermann1309:matrix.orgackermann1309 joined the room.00:50:19
@ackermann1309:matrix.orgackermann1309 left the room.11:53:55
@robbie.b:matrix.orgrobbie left the room.14:29:48
3 May 2024
@martinn404:mozilla.orgMartin joined the room.00:06:33

Hi there, I'm new to Elixir/Phoenix. I'm using phoenix to do a controller test that works with an ecto model that has associations (db relationships) with other models. I'm struggling to setup the test data (including the assocs) as well as testing the controller with changes (incl associations).

I was wondering if people knew of any online projects (i.e. source code) out there that could be doing something similar so that I can have a look. And/or online resources trying to do something similar.

@martinn404:mozilla.orgMartin *

Hi there, I'm new to Elixir/Phoenix. I'm using phoenix to do a controller test that works with an ecto model that has associations (db relationships) with other models. I'm struggling to setup the test data (including the assocs) as well as testing the controller with changes (incl associations).

I was wondering if people knew of any online projects (i.e. source code) out there that could be doing something similar so that I can have a look. And/or online resources that could point me in the right direction.

@delphine.lasalle:envs.netDelphine Lasalle joined the room.01:28:54
@moita:matrix.orgmoita joined the room.03:22:10

Hey Martin,

You might be interested in ExMachina (https://hexdocs.pm/ex_machina). It’s a lib to create dummy data factories — very useful for testing and such.

@joeljuca:matrix.orgjoeljucaBut you can also just post your questions here, and people can step in and help.03:29:29
@jbv87:matrix.orgRyme joined the room.17:08:42
6 May 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid joined the room.19:16:43
7 May 2024
@airmog:matrix.orgairmog joined the room.17:46:59
9 May 2024
@rassilon:casual.pizzarassilon joined the room.18:06:19
10 May 2024
@deyv15:matrix.orgDeyvison Ferreira joined the room.11:40:18
@slashmili:matrix.orgslashmili joined the room.12:46:16

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