

780 Members
Unofficial room for chatter about the Elixir language. This room is publicly logged. For a room tunneled with the IRC channel, go to #elixir:libera.chat.89 Servers

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27 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson joined the room.16:10:11
29 Jul 2024
@greatjourney:matrix.orgLeandre Earl Wallace joined the room.10:27:12
@greatjourney:matrix.orgLeandre Earl Wallace left the room.10:28:55
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson left the room.23:08:31
31 Jul 2024
@martinst:matrix.orgmartin joined the room.23:10:12
5 Aug 2024
@unknown0054:matrix.orgunknown0054 joined the room.01:19:58
@unknown0054:matrix.orgunknown0054 left the room.01:43:34
@varlamoved:matrix.orgEugene Varlamov joined the room.11:43:12
9 Aug 2024
@tossit:matrix.orgToss left the room.11:12:41
12 Aug 2024
@drakisto:matrix.orgdrakisto left the room.04:18:35
16 Aug 2024
@plzen42:matrix.org⬆Vokoun joined the room.18:45:08
@plzen42:matrix.org⬆Vokoun left the room.18:45:32
17 Aug 2024
@maddogx:matrix.orgmaddogxWould appreciate a code review for this Pull Request I worked on: https://github.com/Animesh-Ghosh/elixir_delhi_bot/pull/602:51:06
@kurmet:matrix.orgKurmet Aubanov joined the room.14:06:09
21 Aug 2024
@hbko:matrix.orgKonstantin changed their display name from hbko to Konstantin.06:31:31
28 Aug 2024
@roganjoshua67:matrix.orgMartin Sarosi joined the room.08:11:08
30 Aug 2024
@captainirs:matrix.orgCaptainIRS left the room.08:49:48
1 Sep 2024
@ahmadmusu786:matrix.orgJionee Fpro joined the room.16:00:03
3 Sep 2024
@muqiuhan:matrix.orgᴍᴜǫɪᴜ ʜᴀɴ changed their profile picture.12:20:40
7 Sep 2024
@james:ruby-code.comjames joined the room.02:05:28
8 Sep 2024
@rteobaldo:matrix.orgrteobaldo joined the room.22:04:11
11 Sep 2024
@tokensacrifice:matrix.orgaineko changed their display name from apocalypse meow to aineko.22:37:06
@tokensacrifice:matrix.orgaineko changed their profile picture.22:39:32
12 Sep 2024
@martinst:matrix.orgmartin left the room.06:58:39
14 Sep 2024
@amrealer:matrix.orgMary Sanchez joined the room.03:53:27
@amrealer:matrix.orgMary SanchezRedacted or Malformed Event03:53:47
@smathy:matrix.orgsmathy Nicd: ☝️ 15:40:02
@Nicd-:matrix.orgNicd banned @amrealer:matrix.orgMary Sanchez (spam).15:41:07
@hnahnahna:matrix.orghnahnahna joined the room.19:31:08

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