
Blockbomber - Chat

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18 Aug 2022
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> it's not about video games though, it's about video calls 04:57:36
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> and classrooms 04:57:40
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> how many poor people got hurt because they couldn't get fast internet? 04:57:55
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> a lot. 04:58:22
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> yeah, so anyway that's why I think it's a good idea 04:58:39
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> but what u think they want. they want what everyone using not what we wanting. 04:59:16
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> they never use openbsd because it is affordable but they use Windows. 05:00:02
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> give them an android app 05:00:17
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> or windows app to connect 05:00:23
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> jrmu: Do u know every user we have was/is a windows users. now what if they only had remote screen, do u think they going to buy a hybrid computer? No u just have to provide a server like everyone does. 05:03:24
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> they don't have netcat, ssh or anything. 05:03:43
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> we just have to provide on what thay have. 05:04:07
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> truth be told libredev- 05:05:59
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> if all they have is a television 05:06:06
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> we can't get on the app store anyway 05:06:13
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> it's impossible for them to connect here 05:06:18
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> only rich companies can publish apps for televisions 05:06:28
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> yeh exactly. 05:07:29
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> and it is even impossible to told them about our ideas so they don't even know there is a beter way and fight for that. 05:09:41
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> they just forced without knowing they are forced. 05:10:32
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> that's why i'm saying 05:10:36
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> forget those people 05:10:38
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> we can only focus on people that are actually possible to reach 05:10:45
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> laptops, phones, SBCs 05:10:52
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> if he has an apple TV, it's impossible to join us anyway 05:11:02
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> yeh true. 05:11:09
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> so no need to worry about apple TV 05:11:13
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> or google stadia, those things are impossible for us to reach 05:11:22
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <jrmu> I'd recommend first focusing on linux/bsd, then afterwards windows, mac, android, and iOS 05:11:55
@blocknerdgamesmatterbridge:matrix.orgchatbridge [irc] <libredev-> yeh i don't care about mac users, i can't handle them. 05:12:34

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