
Bitcoin Information Station

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5 Apr 2020
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncVery complex this..23:58:37
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncWhen I copy the link this comes up:23:58:54
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncRedacted or Malformed Event23:58:58
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_sync It's different every time I copy 23:59:43
6 Apr 2020
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk BitcoinThat worked I think... it did go through my side, how about your side?00:05:08
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncGot that many thanks00:06:22
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncI need to spend some time fully figure this out00:06:45
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncHow can I send sidewalk bitcoin a share/ review or something00:07:16
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin Ok so now you have both sent and recieved... yay... that's it 00:07:17
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk BitcoinPerhaps just do a shout out anyway. Most bitcoin peeps dont use Facebook but it all counts man, thankyou00:09:01
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncLet me know your next event. Tomorrow I want to attend scrumcoin00:09:54
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_sync I've got something I can send on Facebook 00:11:33
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin New one on me scrumcoin, please send a link. First event after lockdown for us is Coinfest in nov but hopefully this won't go on for that long and we can get out again. Let's stay in touch anyhow. :) 00:19:19
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_sync Cryptocurrency Discussion, Learn & Share Info at Virtual https://www.meetup.com/Milton-Keynes-Bitcoin-Cryptocurrency-Trading-Meetup/events/mstqqrybcgbjb/ 06:18:31
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin
In reply to @harry_sync:matrix.org
Cryptocurrency Discussion, Learn & Share Info at Virtual https://www.meetup.com/Milton-Keynes-Bitcoin-Cryptocurrency-Trading-Meetup/events/mstqqrybcgbjb/
How anyone can use zoom is beyond me and I would expect a Bitcoin org to know better. It's well known malware.
Google consensus 2020... it's probably the biggest in the world and is going virtual this year.
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncI never knew it was that bad.12:25:16
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_sync Maybe I'll reconsider 12:25:32
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin Shame because I would have loved to attend. At least we know that stuff is going on... I'll look out for more.
Tbh that's why we chose Riot with jitsi widget installed in the first place. Seems nobody knows and most won't care... lambs to the slaughter lol
7 Apr 2020
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin
In reply to @harry_sync:matrix.org
Cryptocurrency Discussion, Learn & Share Info at Virtual https://www.meetup.com/Milton-Keynes-Bitcoin-Cryptocurrency-Trading-Meetup/events/mstqqrybcgbjb/
Hi @harry_sync:matrix.org just letting you know about a phoenix update, now supports Tor. When you update you will be advised to reinstall wallet... make sure you have your seed words copied onto paper before you uninstall and reinstall.
This time you hit restore rather than new wallet.
Just in case you haven't heard 😉
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncI need to educate myself more on the purpose of phoenix and its function13:59:12
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncDoes phoenix serve as an Exchange as well as a wallet?14:00:05
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin Nope. Lightning wallets work off-chain and Bitcoin wallets work on-again (blockchain). When you transact on-again that's you and blockchain (slower, more expensive. With lightning is off- chain, in Custardy of 3rd party. They batch with other transactions by a third party and paid together... (speed and cheap. Lightning made for micro transactions.
Some may give access to an exchange (to buy).
If you want to trade properly then you can join somewhere like binance, coinbase etc.
Think af samourai as your safety deposit box or old school savings and your phoenix as your current account used for day to day
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin
In reply to @sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.org
Nope. Lightning wallets work off-chain and Bitcoin wallets work on-again (blockchain). When you transact on-again that's you and blockchain (slower, more expensive. With lightning is off- chain, in Custardy of 3rd party. They batch with other transactions by a third party and paid together... (speed and cheap. Lightning made for micro transactions.
Some may give access to an exchange (to buy).
If you want to trade properly then you can join somewhere like binance, coinbase etc.
Think af samourai as your safety deposit box or old school savings and your phoenix as your current account used for day to day
Typo sorry on-chain not again, sorry
@sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin Cashapp launches in the UK... well nearly. Lacks the features the US gets with no Bitcoin functionality as yet.
8 Apr 2020
@harry_sync:matrix.orgharry_syncHave you ever used a device such as tezer09:16:55
3 Jul 2020
@ramsysteph:matrix.orgramsysteph joined the room.12:46:13
7 Jul 2020
@maria964:matrix.orgmaria964 joined the room.17:09:33
8 Jul 2020
@maria964:matrix.orgmaria964 left the room.01:10:58
20 Jul 2020
Jitsi widget added by @sidewalkbitcoin:matrix.orgSidewalk Bitcoin17:39:42

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