

189 Members
아래의 CoC를 따라주세요: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct6 Servers

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3 Jun 2024
@_discord_458240070848217091:t2bot.iomoonjunsang unmininal인가 명령어 쓰셔도 될거에요 06:47:08
@_discord_972005896538427452:t2bot.io이영빈 감사합니다 ㅋㅋ
아무 생각없이 워드파일을 눌렀는데 열리지 않아서 혹시나했는데 이번에 바뀐게 맞군요! ㅋㅋㅋ

혹시나 저만 겪은 일인가 싶어서 공유했습니당 ㅎㅎ
@_discord_541635951689072661:t2bot.ioEuiseo Cha (zeroday0619) changed their profile picture.11:07:15
@kkumtree:matrix.orgmscho아무래도 우분투 진영이 블로트웨어에 민감해서 minimal 옵션으로 바꿨나보네요11:50:00
@_discord_264292218045464577:t2bot.iodhsung 이모지 설명 번역 공식내용 있습니다 공유합니다 https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/45/annotations/cjk.html 14:01:42
5 Jun 2024
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinchanged room power levels.00:15:43
6 Jun 2024
@yeong_uk:matrix.orgyeonguk set the room topic to "Please follow the CoC: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct".03:17:24
@yeong_uk:matrix.orgyeonguk changed the room topic to "아래의 CoC를 따라주세요: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct" from "Please follow the CoC: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct".03:19:30
9 Jun 2024
@bittin:gnome.org@bittin:gnome.org changed their display name from bittin to bittin (GNOME break until later in June-July 2024).14:36:51
10 Jun 2024
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbin!discord unbridge08:36:00
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

This room is not bridged.

@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbin 채팅방이 이전 되었습니다. 앞으로는 #loco-kr-general:ubuntu.com 채널을 이용 해 주세요. 본 채널은 읽기 전용으로 전환 됩니다.
We have moved this room to #loco-kr-general:ubuntu.com . Please use the new room for further discussion. This existing room will be converted into read-only.
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbin changed the join rule to "invite" from "restricted".08:37:05
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinchanged room power levels.08:37:22
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinchanged room power levels.08:37:37
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinchanged room power levels.08:37:38
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbin changed the room name to "🗑ubuntu-kr-general" from "ubuntu-kr-general".08:39:28
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbin *


채팅방이 이전 되었습니다. 앞으로는 #loco-kr-general:ubuntu.com 채널을 이용 해 주세요. 본 채널은 읽기 전용으로 전환 됩니다.
We have moved this room to #loco-kr-general:ubuntu.com . Please use the new room for further discussion. This existing room will be converted into read-only.

@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinchanged room power levels.08:58:32
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge left the room.08:58:48
@kaisyu:matrix.org@kaisyu:matrix.org left the room.09:23:13
@sukso96100:matrix.orgyoungbinMatrix space 또한 이전 되었으니, 이용에 참고 해 주시기 바랍니다. https://matrix.to/#/#loco-kr:ubuntu.com13:01:09
@timaeos:matrix.nexaeos.io@timaeos:matrix.nexaeos.io left the room.14:39:44
@moderator:ubuntu.com@moderator:ubuntu.com left the room.16:22:12
@arraybolt3:ubuntu.com@arraybolt3:ubuntu.com left the room.16:22:20
@noahimesaka1873:funami.tech@noahimesaka1873:funami.tech left the room.17:33:25
12 Jun 2024
@perillamint:silicon.moe@perillamint:silicon.moe left the room.06:22:25
6 Jul 2024
@bittin:gnome.org@bittin:gnome.org changed their display name from bittin (GNOME break until later in June-July 2024) to bittin (break until end of this summer).09:57:26
8 Jul 2024
@bittin:gnome.org@bittin:gnome.org left the room.21:28:25
16 Jul 2024
@minhoryang:matrix.org@minhoryang:matrix.org left the room.13:15:52

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