
CalyxOS Infrastructure

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CalyxOS Infrastructure channel | Status: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/0pRzOFkgXp | Main channel #CalyxOS:matrix.org30 Servers

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2 Jul 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.06:22:34
3 Jul 2024
@seatape:matrix.org@seatape:matrix.org left the room.00:31:13
4 Jul 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.08:34:14
@telegram_1980097883:calyx.devnoosphere888 🏴 (Telegram) changed their display name from noös 🏴 (Telegram) to noosphere888 🏴 (Telegram).14:56:23
@skeletalclover:matrix.org@skeletalclover:matrix.org left the room.15:11:14
@kesha:necker.iokesha joined the room.17:45:22
@kesha:necker.iokesha Hey hey guys, I am looking through the some repositories on Gitlab and I see that "VM" is listed as "No longer current". Does that mean you need to update the README or do you have more VMs? The README has a Future VMs header listed as "TODO".

Can I ask what you are using to deploy your VMs? Proxmox?

--Just someone looking for something to contribute.
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)Which repository is that in?18:16:03
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)We use a variety of mechanisms as things have changed over the years18:16:16
@kesha:necker.iokeshaIt don't know how much automation you use/want to use but maybe I can help streamline. If that isn't something that is necessary I guess I could read this "Localization" post.18:17:26
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
I don't see where this says VM
@kesha:necker.iokesha whoops wrong link:

@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
It don't know how much automation you use/want to use but maybe I can help streamline. If that isn't something that is necessary I guess I could read this "Localization" post.
Definitely not enough automation
We want to use a lot more and have been working towards it.

Unfortunately not much of our infra stuff is open
@kesha:necker.iokeshaOpen as in open source?18:18:35
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
whoops wrong link:

Ah yeah that's really old. You can tell because the wiki isn't even a thing I just kept it in the history to preserve stuff.
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
Open as in open source?

We use a lot of open source tooling ( in fact I think it's all based on open source things ) for our infrastructure.

But, the actual handling of that isn't publicly available.
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)Like there's no public infrastructure git repo you could send code to, for example.18:20:20
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)We do want to have that eventually, hopefully.18:20:27
@kesha:necker.iokesha Ah, too bad. I have some experience in the area.

Okay, so if someone had time and wanted to contribute where would you point them? The localization thing?
@kesha:necker.iokeshaProxmox is Open Source btw. AFAIK18:21:54
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)Yes. Localization is one thing, Android code is also always welcome.18:21:58
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
Proxmox is Open Source btw. AFAIK
Yeah I meant our configs deployment code etc.
@kesha:necker.iokeshaAndroid code is Java, right?18:22:47
@kesha:necker.iokeshaHow many gitlabrunners do you employ?18:23:27
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)Apps are java, and kotlin these days. Most of our work. Native code is mostly c++, and some rust these days. We don't do too much here. There's some more languages depending on what's being done.18:23:57
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)
In reply to @kesha:necker.io
How many gitlabrunners do you employ?
None, we don't use gitlab ci much.
@kesha:necker.iokesha I hope you don't mind me asking more questions. I am looking for an area where I can help a bit haha.

A think I read above that you run your own servers? As in no Linode, Digital Ocean etc. Is this still the case and will it always be so?
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)Not at all. There was supposed to be a help wanted label on gitlab but I can't find it right now. We mostly run our own servers yes. I'm not the person who can say it will always be so.18:28:35

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