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A language for making art using mathematics | http://curv3d.org | Playground: https://curv.leefallat.ca/ | Ask your question! | Long-lived discussions: https://github.com/curv3d/curv/discussions5 Servers

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28 Dec 2023
@_discord_463788151178002433:t2bot.iotobias4062 joined the room.22:58:08
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_706905308584214529:t2bot.ioljaouen joined the room.10:44:03
@_discord_1190666850464452653:t2bot.iohuskier_44547 joined the room.14:48:05
31 Dec 2023
@_discord_1098880182435184714:t2bot.iowuzejin joined the room.12:14:32
@_discord_148472230983106560:t2bot.io.mics joined the room.16:59:24
6 Jan 2024
@sapient_cogbag:artemislena.eu⏣sapient_cogbag⏣[ⒶH⁺⚧★][they/them|ze/zem|xe/xem] joined the room.20:05:40
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_134333014892216320:t2bot.iodejay1337 joined the room.01:40:02
@_discord_1099579228099465348:t2bot.io.dhevin joined the room.11:38:18
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_716526683477377074:t2bot.iohypothermicinferno changed their display name from HypothermicInferno to hypothermicinferno.02:13:45
23 Jan 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.23:54:20
24 Jan 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.00:01:30
8 Feb 2024
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds left the room.00:04:08
11 Feb 2024
@trevorsundberg:matrix.orgTrevor Sundberg joined the room.22:47:50
@trevorsundberg:matrix.orgTrevor SundbergHowdy, just curious is curv still being worked on? I really love the idea of code as cad :)22:48:41
7 Mar 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.21:05:45
30 Mar 2024
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dlirious joined the room.21:50:42
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dlirious set a profile picture.21:52:04
7 Apr 2024
@viduka:matrix.orgviduka joined the room.07:12:06
26 Apr 2024
Download OKtwistor45deg.apng
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dlirious @_discord_bot:t2bot.io: Hi! The short answer is that yes, Curv is being actively developed, and many new features have been added recently, including OKLab color support, predefined color maps, a library of over 27 Triply Periodic Minimal Surface lattices, a cheat sheet, and more! See https://codeberg.org/doug-moen/curv/src/branch/master/README.rst#current-status-of-this-project for the full status. 15:40:34
7 May 2024
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dliriousThe Windows build is working again! Huge thanks to ustczzh for contributing the fix.00:28:08
Download gyroid_heat_exchanger_2.png
Download gyroid_heat_exchanger_3.png
Download gyroid_heat_exchanger_6.png
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dliriousHere's a gyroid heat exchanger I've been working on. It's a re-implementation of a heat exchanger featured in Metal AM, ref https://www.metal-am.com/articles/design-for-additive-manufacturing-a-workflow-for-a-metal-am-heat-exchanger-using-ntopology/ . The original used a combination of Solidworks and nTop(ology), however my version is created entirely in Curv.00:39:53
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dliriousI intended to post the source for this soon, as well as create a tutorial, if there is any interest. It's nearly done, I just need to add some text around the outside (after I finish writing the text library, that is). There is also an animated version that shows the cross-flows inside the heat exchanger, but I haven't created an APNG of that yet.00:41:00
8 May 2024
In reply to @3dlirious:matrix.org
I intended to post the source for this soon, as well as create a tutorial, if there is any interest. It's nearly done, I just need to add some text around the outside (after I finish writing the text library, that is). There is also an animated version that shows the cross-flows inside the heat exchanger, but I haven't created an APNG of that yet.
Great work. Really interested in a tutorial on how to do this.
10 May 2024
@3dlirious:matrix.org3dliriousThanks! Happy to see a bit of interest. Making a tutorial is definitely on my roadmap, just need to finish a few other things first. Here's one thing I just wrapped up, a library of 2D lattices: https://codeberg.org/3DLirious/curv/src/branch/lattice2d/docs/lib/lattice2d.rst . This is what I used to make the honeycomb reinforcement on the outside of the heat exchanger.23:03:49
@lf94:matrix.orgLee Just wanted to say, great stuff 3dlirious :) 23:25:34
23 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:45:25

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