
Etiquette: Don't crap in the punch bowl!

26 Members
Those who were never taught, and therefore are completely lacking in: Etiqutte, Manners, Common Courtesy, Common Decency, and Common Sense; would do well to take notes, or read books on the subject. Millenial-hipsters, this means you! And if you find that statement to be "offensive", you are beyond help. This is NOT a room for SJW/Crybully tactics, but for self-help in restoring sane society; online with "Netiquette", and "IRL". ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette ••• Room is "World Readable": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23Etiquette:matrix.org ••• Listed: https://matrixstats.org/alias/%23Etiquette:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #Etiquette:hackerspaces.be ° https://ptt.hackerspaces.be/#/room/#Etiquette:hackerspaces.be ° https://matrix.to/#/#Etiquette:hackerspaces.be ° [Etiquette](https://matrix.to/#/#Etiquette:hackerspaces.be) ••• Keywords/Tags: #Etiqutte, #Manners #CommonCourtesy #Courtesy #Courteousness #CommonDecency #CommonSense #Diplomacy #Politeness #Polite #Sociology #Anthropology #HumanAdvancement #CulturalNorm #Culture #Netiquette #Civics #Civic #Civil #Civilized #SocialGraces #Ethics #Gentry #Genteel #SelfHelp #Self-Help #Education ••••5 Servers

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