
Android Privacy & Security

262 Members
Space - #android-priv-sec:matrix.org | Posts, wiki & files - https://hub.libranet.de/channel/and-priv-sec post federate over activitypub & zot - see the channel for details18 Servers

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28 Jul 2023
@anonusrroot123:matrix.organonusrroot123 joined the room.11:40:48
29 Jul 2023
@wolf789:matrix.orgdolf789 joined the room.18:42:59
30 Jul 2023
@dougmccluer:matrix.orgdougmccluer joined the room.12:47:45
3 Aug 2023
@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org joined the room.09:10:25
@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org joined the room.09:10:32
@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org@m3r0v1ng10:matrix.org left the room.09:10:39
15 Aug 2023
@ebubekir:matrix.orgsekuritici joined the room.18:14:00
18 Aug 2023
@grum3:matrix.org@grum3:matrix.org left the room.15:47:26
26 Aug 2023
@tiagotiago:matrix.orgTT changed their display name from TiagoTiago to TT.02:47:15
27 Aug 2023
@shiftytomato.29:matrix.orgShiftyTomato joined the room.20:07:25
28 Aug 2023
@roebuck:matrix.orgroebuck joined the room.12:04:57
29 Aug 2023
@shiftytomato.29:matrix.orgShiftyTomato changed their display name from A Rose to ShiftyTomato.19:27:12
30 Aug 2023
@greenleaves91:matrix.orggreenleaves91 joined the room.05:38:40
@slookey3:matrix.orgslookey3 joined the room.08:14:20
3 Sep 2023
@uromil:matrix.org@uromil:matrix.org joined the room.18:35:19
4 Sep 2023
@nhxvpfmb:monero.socialnhxvpfmb joined the room.02:17:57
7 Sep 2023
@johnalters:matrix.orgjohnalters joined the room.07:33:42
9 Sep 2023
@peterdcosta:matrix.orgpeterdcosta joined the room.17:22:34
11 Sep 2023
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 joined the room.15:49:17
16 Sep 2023
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 changed their display name from miuiuser to indica083.11:45:04
@miuiuser:matrix.orgss012 changed their display name from indica083 to ss012.11:47:45
17 Sep 2023
@uromil:matrix.org@uromil:matrix.org left the room.06:58:33
20 Sep 2023
@jaceltim:matrix.org@jaceltim:matrix.org joined the room.16:11:31
@r357:matrix.orgR357 joined the room.18:09:16
22 Sep 2023
@biosimilarx:matrix.org@biosimilarx:matrix.org left the room.02:17:18
23 Sep 2023
@greywolf0x1:matrix.org@greywolf0x1:matrix.org joined the room.00:14:13
@greywolf0x1:matrix.org@greywolf0x1:matrix.org left the room.00:17:49
@jaceltim:matrix.org@jaceltim:matrix.org joined the room.09:54:47
@jaceltim:matrix.org@jaceltim:matrix.org left the room.09:54:50
24 Sep 2023
@pheonix3083:matrix.orgjosh roberts joined the room.11:18:51

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