
AndBible Users

541 Members
Bible Study App (And Bible) is an open source, offline Android Bible study application. The purpose of this group is solely for AndBible related topics. Please do not post unrelated articles, videos, etc. Website: https://andbible.github.io Frequently Asked Questions: https://andbible.org/go/faq GitHub: https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible Support AndBible development: https://shop.andbible.org/18 Servers

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13 Jul 2024
@adriel:sandcastle.eu.orgAdriel SandSorry for that, banned him now22:07:36
14 Jul 2024
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efiraiding a bible server is wild11:10:25
15 Jul 2024
@budala:matrix.orgKarlos P. joined the room.01:26:24
@budala:matrix.orgKarlos P. changed their display name from Xi Joeping to Karlos P..01:27:08
@budala:matrix.orgKarlos P. changed their profile picture.01:28:18
18 Jul 2024
@matix.orgfrank:matrix.orgmark set a profile picture.13:39:56
@matix.orgfrank:matrix.orgmark changed their display name from Hope ThankGod to Mark Williams.13:41:47
@matix.orgfrank:matrix.orgmark changed their display name from Mark Williams to mark William.13:43:12
@matix.orgfrank:matrix.orgmark changed their display name from mark William to mark.13:44:41
@toaskoas:matrix.orgThomas changed their display name from toaskoas to Thomas.17:38:43
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their display name from ☦️ to asmutils_ALLAHI.nigger.22:15:05
20 Jul 2024
@telegram_1579983892:tchncs.deE (Telegram)no he podido usar la última actualización , sirve aun para telefonos antiguos ?04:52:46
18 Jul 2024
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their profile picture.22:15:13
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their display name from asmutils_ALLAHI.nigger to asmutils_ALLAHI.22:15:52
20 Jul 2024
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their display name from asmutils_ALLAHI to haunted.efi.03:16:21
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their profile picture.03:16:26
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their profile picture.11:06:15
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efi changed their profile picture.11:07:53
@adriel:sandcastle.eu.orgAdriel Sand
In reply to @telegram_1579983892:tchncs.de
no he podido usar la última actualización ,
sirve aun para telefonos antiguos ?
Que version de Android tienes?
@telegram_281438151:tchncs.deZdenko Podobný (Telegram) Is there feature similar to Logos Factbook(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqbQR9L9HQ0)? Something like meta search in dictionaries, encyclopaedias etc. https://www.logos.com/product/175509/factbook-collection) 17:30:16
@telegram_1579983892:tchncs.deE (Telegram)
In reply to @adriel:sandcastle.eu.org
Que version de Android tienes?
versión 10
@telegram_1579983892:tchncs.deE (Telegram)image.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1579983892:tchncs.deE (Telegram)estoy usando una vieja versión.🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️19:19:57
21 Jul 2024
@telegram_321097124:tchncs.de[ʒɑ̃] (Telegram) changed their display name from יוחנן (Telegram) to [ʒɑ̃] (Telegram).17:29:40
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_227271445:tchncs.deFritz (Telegram) joined the room.04:02:32
@telegram_227271445:tchncs.deFritz (Telegram)Good day, to whom do I reach out if I find spelling mistakes/ damaged words in a supplied Bible translation?04:08:39
@telegram_298573759:tchncs.deТарас (Telegram)if it's an sqlite module, you can fix it yourself😊04:20:46
@telegram_1043214976:tchncs.deTuomas Airaksinen (Telegram)
In reply to Fritz (Telegram)
Good day,
to whom do I reach out if I find spelling mistakes/ damaged words in a supplied Bible translation?
@telegram_227271445:tchncs.deFritz (Telegram)Will try, thanks05:04:50
26 Jul 2024
@telegram_2087565343:tchncs.deDana Bell (Telegram)When navigating a Bible and a verse begins and ends on the same line so two verses begin on the same line, synchronized commentaries jump to the second verse so you miss the previous verse. You can manipulate (select the verse directly) to get it to show but it then reverts back to previous or next verse when you navigate, or reopen and bible. I noticed that with small print, but you can probably verify that with John 11:35.19:22:20

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