
Rotating the co-ordinator of the lawyers group.

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Rotating the co-ordinator of the lawyers group.1 Servers

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20 Mar 2018
@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonShamik is one of the lawyers - one of the CPs he represents is Stafford, who wrote the email that's been forwarded (everything in " marks, from "As far as the issue concerning..." onwards)10:32:50
@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonOne more email received from Esma (RLR who works at Imran Khan): Dear all, Our client’s have echoed Shamik’s words below [and those of Ruths, earlier]. They agree the role is a difficult and time consuming one that Tamsin has carried out well. They too have not raised any concerns/objections since the last meeting and would be content for Tamsin to continue in her role.<br /> Best, Esma Basbaydar10:38:20
@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonwhat has just been sent: "Dear lawyers Thank you for all your responses. We also appreciate how much Tamsin has done since this Inquiry started, and how tricky it's been at times. We would also like to thank her for her dedication and hard work over the past three years. We know that the role of coordinator is not easy, but sincerely hope that one of you is willing to offer your services. We think it's an important role, that should continue throughout the length of the Inquiry. Yours in solidarity Spycops Communications Group (N.B.: We did not write a letter claiming to represent "all CPs". We think you know how difficult that would be! This suggestion came from a large meeting of CPs, hosted by the Communications Group. All CPs are welcome to come to these quarterly gatherings, and we have fund-raised to cover the travel costs of anyone wishing to do so. Food and accommodation are also freely provided. As well as the online forum, there are various email lists which your clients could sign up to if they wished to be more involved in discussions which are taking place among the wider CPs' group. Please do remind them of these).10:57:03
@duwaynebrooks:matrix.orgduwaynebrooks I didn't take part in discussions and rarely turned up to meetings. What was agreed at times I was not engaging is beyond my control as a CP.
This constant kissing up to Bindmans is why other Lawyers didn't want to put themselves forward whilst Tamsin was in the hot seat.

The issue is not her ability or work done it's about length of time in the role. No CP would expect one person to chair the CP group for so long. So why this role ? Bizarre

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@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondoni spoke with Tamsin today to assure her that this wasn't a personal attack. She repeated once again that she doesn't really have time to continue with the role anyway - her other cases are big and time-consuming - and seemed relieved to be stepping back from it.15:25:55
@duwaynebrooks:matrix.orgduwaynebrooksGood one carolynlondon16:19:33
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2 Apr 2018
@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonLydia (from Brighton) has offered to take on the coordinator role. Tamsin and the other lawyers seem happy about this.12:51:23
@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonI think she'll do a great job - she seems to be well-organised, and able to get on with everyone12:51:52
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@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonStafford was NOT happy - picked up on the mention of 'diversity' in the minutes of the CP meeting in January and described Lydia as "another white woman". He complained about "20 odd CPs setting the agenda", said people hadn't been "open and honest" and expected me to justify what someone else had said at the January meeting. He and Duwayne had words. Suresh was also there - said he didn't have a problem with rotating a job like this, but "doesn't agree with how it was done" and thinks people are "picking on Tamsin".12:56:16
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@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonI had to say, again, that this wasn't about Tamsin, that it wasn't about 'picking on her' or criticising her, it was normal practice, not seen as particularly controversial by any of the CPs who agreed with it12:58:29
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@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondon(and had already confirmed to Shamik, Stafford's lawyer, that approx 35 people attended that meeting, so calling them "20-odd" is as disengenous as I now expect from Mr Scott12:59:41
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@carolynlondon:matrix.orgcarolynlondonThere was also a suggestion from Paul Heron that there is a 'chairperson' to chair the meetings/ assist the 'coordinator' and i must say, these meetings need much more facilitation now than they used to (in the days when Stafford and Suresh didn't bother coming to them). I gave up counting how many times they spoke over other people (usually women) or just had their own conversation/ muttering at the side when others were speaking...13:02:19
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11 Apr 2018
@cerigibbons:matrix.orgcerigibbons joined the room.18:16:44
17 Apr 2018
@kimtrapese:disroot.org@kimtrapese:disroot.org set a profile picture.09:29:19
2 Mar 2019
@disarmer:disroot.org@disarmer:disroot.org left the room.08:05:09
@evelspycopscomms:disroot.org@evelspycopscomms:disroot.org left the room.08:48:19
@kimtrapese:disroot.org@kimtrapese:disroot.org left the room.08:51:47

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