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7 Nov 2016
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBill changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".18:05:19
9 Nov 2016
@_neb_rssbot_=40news=3achat.cryptochat.io:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@news:chat.cryptochat.io] (deprecated) The Bitcoin Blog posted a new article: Site Review: DirectBet EU A Wager On The Presidential Election ( http://bitcoindood.com/bitcoin-blog/2016/11/09/site-review-directbet-eu-a-wager-on-the-presidential-election/ ) 17:54:27
10 Nov 2016
@_neb_rssbot_=40news=3achat.cryptochat.io:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@news:chat.cryptochat.io] (deprecated) The Bitcoin Blog posted a new article: OKcash Turns 2 Years Old – Come Join The Celebration. ( http://bitcoindood.com/bitcoin-blog/2016/11/10/okcash-turns-2-years-old-come-join-the-celebration/ ) 22:14:39
18 Nov 2016
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBillwhere is your car04:40:04
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBilldudddddeeee 04:40:18
21 Nov 2016
@_slack_digitalcash_U2PST5B2T:matrix.orgbitcoin-doodthanks for joining @U2MPN4UNN22:10:59
@_slack_digitalcash_U2PST5B2T:matrix.orgbitcoin-dood@U0L6XMHJ7 sup brother! Just thought I'd pop by and see what's going on at CryptoChat 🙂22:11:37
@_slack_digitalcash_U2PST5B2T:matrix.orgbitcoin-doodJust posted the Stephanie Kent - Krypton interview to the steemit if anyone is interested. https://steemit.com/krypton/@the-bitcoin-dood/update-interview-stephanie-kent-krypton-dev22:12:11
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBill Honestly it's kinda dead. We had some issues with other owners. 22:25:36
@_slack_digitalcash_U2PST5B2T:matrix.orgbitcoin-doodI was reading something somewhere about the CryptoChat politics that was going on. Hope it all works out for you guys.23:19:53
@_slack_digitalcash_U2PST5B2T:matrix.orgbitcoin-doodLive coverage of Japan Earthquake. Another Tsunami warning. Fukushima cooling has stopped. Temperature rising. Live coverage here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw7cFku_U3Q&feature=youtu.be23:37:08
22 Nov 2016
@tnarg:chat.cryptochat.iotnarg joined the room.17:20:31
25 Nov 2016
@_neb_rssbot_=40news=3achat.cryptochat.io:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@news:chat.cryptochat.io] (deprecated) The Bitcoin Blog posted a new article: Interview With OKtoshi Lead Dev Of OKcash ( http://bitcoindood.com/bitcoin-blog/2016/11/25/interview-with-oktoshi-lead-dev-of-okcash/ ) 17:06:24
26 Nov 2016
@Ganesha:chat.cryptochat.ioGanesha joined the room.15:57:27
@news:chat.cryptochat.ioNews set a profile picture.17:29:53
27 Nov 2016
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBill changed their profile picture.01:48:59
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBill changed their profile picture.16:25:37
@Bill:chat.cryptochat.ioBill changed their profile picture.17:22:19
29 Nov 2016
@_neb_rssbot_=40news=3achat.cryptochat.io:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@news:chat.cryptochat.io] (deprecated) The Bitcoin Blog posted a new article: Some Of Last Weeks Tops Stories. ( http://bitcoindood.com/bitcoin-blog/2016/11/29/some-of-last-weeks-tops-stories/ ) 16:14:48
@_slack_digitalcash_U0L6XMHJ7:matrix.orgbill changed their profile picture.19:26:25
@_slack_digitalcash_U0L6XMHJ7:matrix.orgbill changed their profile picture.19:26:29
@bitcoin-dood:chat.cryptochat.ioBitcoin_Dood joined the room.20:11:52
@bitcoin-dood:chat.cryptochat.ioBitcoin_DoodWow, I'm confused. Just signed in here and trying to get my bearings I think I set up two accounts? 20:12:51
@bitcoin-dood:chat.cryptochat.ioBitcoin_Dood set a profile picture.20:13:46

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