
Home Assistant

364 Members
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. https://www.home-assistant.io | Space-Member: #smarthome:tchncs.de / #ha-space:matrix.org | Für deutsch diesen Raum nutzen: #ha-de:matrix.org85 Servers

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29 Jun 2024
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.H * Do I have to choose only the latest tar backup file?
Or should I choose backup files from the earliest and apply them all?
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪
In reply to @antony.h:matrix.org
Do I have to choose only the latest tar backup file?
Or should I choose backup files from the earliest and apply them all?
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪if it's like in the docker version every tar file is a backup12:18:05
30 Jun 2024
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.HThanks a lot! Restoring the latest backup took forever and the server never comes back afterwards. I think that might because I had an expired certificate by DuckDNS addon?08:38:47
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.H * Thanks a lot! Restoring the latest backup took forever and the server never comes back afterwards. I think that might because I had an expired certificate by DuckDNS addon inside the backup?08:39:03
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.HI could still manage the HA server using CLI by plugging it to keyboard and monitor. How do I check the restoration status?08:39:45
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCIt could also be that your last backup is corrupted? Possibly with the same configuration issue that initially took it offline?19:29:48
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.HThe last backup was a partial backup when I checked from the HA CLI.20:08:29
1 Jul 2024
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.HI have an 1 year old full backup. Can I apply multiple backup files? Like, applying the 1 year old backup and then apply other newer partial backup?10:38:39
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.H My Home Assistant is now restored to a very old backup. Because the only full backup is very old. I have much newer partial backup. How could I apply new backup? I could only upload and restore from backup during the Welcome screen. Does it work if I upload the backup files to the /backup directory and then use either CLI or web UI to restore the newer partial backup? 12:52:40
@antony.h:matrix.orgAntony.HSorry! I'm an absolute idiot! There is an option in the 3 dots dropdown to choose "Upload Backup".13:31:06
3 Jul 2024
@sebastien_rodriguez:matrix.orgSébastien changed their display name from sebastien_rodriguez to Sébastien.12:56:55
4 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL (overly long political statement goes here).21:46:23
14 Jul 2024
@zittermacke:tchncs.de@zittermacke:tchncs.de joined the room.17:09:49
@zittermacke:tchncs.de@zittermacke:tchncs.de left the room.17:10:58
@sky:codestorm.netSky joined the room.18:44:01
18 Jul 2024
@gonzo7d0:gonzo.cloudGonZo7d0 joined the room.04:06:58
@gonzo7d0:gonzo.cloudGonZo7d0 left the room.04:44:14
@gonzo7d0:gonzo.cloudGonZo7d0 joined the room.05:46:25
@christoph.ludwig:matrix.ilab.zone@christoph.ludwig:matrix.ilab.zone left the room.12:49:48
19 Jul 2024
@gonzo7d0:gonzo.cloudGonZo7d0 removed their profile picture.01:11:48
@gonzo7d0:gonzo.cloudGonZo7d0 set a profile picture.01:11:57
@stephen:bozg.seStephen 12:00:49
@shatteredscales:matrix.orgshatteredscales set a profile picture.21:55:22
22 Jul 2024
@jisbetterthanj:matrix.orgjisbetterthanjAny documentation for what integrations used to be configuration.yaml exclusive and are now accessible via the UI? I feel there’s well supported neat integrations that I just don’t know of13:08:01
23 Jul 2024
@jisbetterthanj:matrix.orgjisbetterthanjMaybe it was just generic thermostat that was a glaring omission which is now fixed 😁23:37:23
24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:22:51
25 Jul 2024
@papanibi:matrix.org@papanibi:matrix.org left the room.12:58:38
26 Jul 2024
@yeti:rockymtn.org@yeti:rockymtn.org left the room.02:37:11
27 Jul 2024
@emily:matrix.techiegirl.socialemily joined the room.00:38:25

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