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25 Jun 2024
In reply to Герхард Lenz McKAY
use the codeberg wiki guide: https://t.me/alpine_linux/778 and dont bypass any step
Thanks a lot
In reply to JuiceBox
Input devices don't work under X based window managers
i had this issue iirc u do setup-devd udev
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY
In reply to jan
i had this issue iirc u do setup-devd udev
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAYthat's why my guide has a modified command in later section..17:23:00
@telegram_5926012086:t2bot.ioJuiceBoxGot it fixed17:18:26
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY AGAIN in the guide is the steps to setup user to such group.. i said dont bypass any step https://t.me/alpine_linux/778 17:17:51
@telegram_5926012086:t2bot.ioJuiceBoxFor some reason useradd command couldn't add existing user to a group, I used to think that my user is already in "input"17:22:27
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAYimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
In reply to jan
i had this issue iirc u do setup-devd udev
I had to manually edit etc/group to add my user to input group
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAYas you can see it.. your problem was that follow incorrect documentation see the picture how must be manage the user17:19:43
@telegram_5905398067:t2bot.ioHitler Cat Phrax Trading & TRX SUKLSS changed their display name from Hitler Cat Phrax Trading & TRX SUKLSS FCKAFA to Hitler Cat Phrax Trading & TRX SUKLSS.21:20:15
@telegram_6447251917:t2bot.ioLeena Quantana joined the room.22:49:08
@telegram_6447251917:t2bot.ioLeena QuantanaRedacted or Malformed Event22:44:17
@telegram_460829865:t2bot.ioLuca Vende
In reply to JuiceBox
For some reason useradd command couldn't add existing user to a group, I used to think that my user is already in "input"
Try add user by vi /etc/groups?
26 Jun 2024
In reply to Luca Vende
Try add user by vi /etc/groups?
That's what I did
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu Shiro joined the room.03:58:16
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu ShiroRedacted or Malformed Event03:58:00
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu ShiroRedacted or Malformed Event03:58:00
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu ShiroRedacted or Malformed Event03:58:00
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu Shiro I suffer a lot and I'm going to share something with you, I ask for permission from the group administrator to post, Well, if you use iptables/firewalld on a dedicated server or VPS, know that if your firewall is poorly configured, you could suffer an attack, I I suffer a lot from attacks, mainly DDOS and ping of death, but I learned, follow my iptables script for Ubuntu server, this firewall of mine was developed with the help of a Japanese friend. I know the system is Alpine Linux, iptables can be adapted. Greetings, I created this firewall from these others below, if you use Red Hat, Centos, Almalinux, Fedora, follow the link below:
Almalinux (Firewalld) https://centossrv.com/almalinux/firewall.shtml
Red hat/centos (Firewalld)
Fedora (iptables) https://fedorasrv.com/iptables.shtml
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu ShiroRedacted or Malformed Event03:58:00
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu ShiroRedacted or Malformed Event03:57:59
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY @Nazamushiro you cannot send and promote things so easy.. you must forst got a trusted position from users.. 04:01:00
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY for other distros go to open tech group.. here is only alpine linux @Nazamushiro 04:02:20
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY * for other distros go to open tech group.. https://t.me/opentechnologies here is only alpine linux @Nazamushiro 04:02:46
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu Shiro
In reply to Герхард Lenz McKAY
for other distros go to open tech group.. here is only alpine linux @Nazamushiro
I'm there can you give me permission to post
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY
In reply to Nazamu Shiro
I'm there can you give me permission to post
open tech has special rules. all is about r3espect, everything must be earned... deserve it starting with the voice after the bot detects that you read other people's messages, like hacktivist
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY * open tech has special rules. all is about r3espect, everything must be earned... deserve it starting with the voice after the bot detects that you read other people's messages, like hacktivist https://t.me/open_tecnologies/2 04:06:56
@telegram_7024847908:t2bot.ioNazamu Shirook thanks04:08:04
@telegram_6309280819:t2bot.ioDeleted account 6309280819 changed their display name from S to Deleted account 6309280819.06:26:21

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