
Open Tech Will Save Us (OTWSU)

771 Members
Open Tech Will Save Us Later (on pause)223 Servers

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5 Jul 2024
@amshakalra:matrix.orgAmsha changed their display name from Amsha (Away) to Amsha.13:12:37
7 Jul 2024
@norvegan:nope.chatNorVegan left the room.20:57:27
9 Jul 2024
@nethad:nethad.ionethad changed their profile picture.07:35:41
@rphenriques:matrix.orgrphenriques joined the room.21:25:42
10 Jul 2024
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed their display name from Amandine to Amandine (away back 15/7).06:25:13
@fheese:element.ioFlorian Heese changed their display name from Florian Heese // OOO to Florian Heese.07:27:15
11 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 to cocam123 (Old).08:26:13
@alanamackey:matrix.orgAlana M joined the room.22:55:36
@doti:catboyindustries.codoti joined the room.23:08:33
12 Jul 2024
@luilegeant:luilegeant.comLuilegeant left the room.10:11:06
14 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 (Old) to cocam123.22:32:51
15 Jul 2024
@amshakalra:matrix.orgAmsha changed their display name from Amsha to Amsha (Away - back on 22nd).07:42:18
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine changed their display name from Amandine (away back 15/7) to Amandine.07:52:57
@yamu:yatrix.org@yamu:yatrix.org removed their profile picture.08:45:46
@yamu:yatrix.org@yamu:yatrix.org removed their display name yamu.08:45:49
@yamu:yatrix.org@yamu:yatrix.org left the room.08:45:52
18 Jul 2024
@gl1nt:matrix.org@gl1nt:matrix.org joined the room.18:05:48
@gl1nt:matrix.org@gl1nt:matrix.org left the room.18:05:56
19 Jul 2024
@novatorine:tranarchy.neonvagabond.xyznovatorine 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.00:21:01
20 Jul 2024
@thevampyre:matrix.orgjaycob tee joined the room.15:59:36
@thevampyre:matrix.orgjaycob tee set a profile picture.16:00:58
21 Jul 2024
@incognition-index:matrix.orgincognition-index joined the room.15:04:41
22 Jul 2024
@amshakalra:matrix.orgAmsha changed their display name from Amsha (Away - back on 22nd) to Amsha.08:38:04
@circuitsacul:matrix.orgCircuitSacul joined the room.18:43:49
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:16:20
25 Jul 2024
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:12:37
26 Jul 2024
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th].11:00:40
@allie:bluebird.chatAllie joined the room.20:57:37
@allie:bluebird.chatAllie left the room.21:38:34
@idonja:matrix.orgidonja joined the room.21:51:31

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