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21 Jan 2024
@nvm6:matrix.orgNVMV6 left the room.15:58:53
24 Jan 2024
@tobin6579:matrix.orgtobin6579 joined the room.07:19:49
26 Jan 2024
@ailith:matrix.orgAilith Twinning joined the room.00:12:53
@ailith:matrix.orgAilith Twinning left the room.00:13:48
@underwater_crucifixion:matrix.orgunderwater_crucifixion joined the room.20:20:20
28 Jan 2024
@bridge2:matrix.orgbridge2 joined the room.17:47:08
@darlingsodapop:matrix.orgdarlingsodapop joined the room.21:46:18
30 Jan 2024
@dreamlover2000:matrix.orgdreamlover2000 joined the room.21:19:56
1 Feb 2024
@nan4:matrix.orgnan4 joined the room.20:27:59
@nan4:matrix.orgnan4 left the room.21:30:08
2 Feb 2024
@bridge2:matrix.orgbridge2 left the room.15:27:43
5 Feb 2024
@salamanca:bitcoinist.org@salamanca:bitcoinist.org joined the room.22:02:33
6 Feb 2024
@jojo404:matrix.orgjojo404 joined the room.15:11:26
@88shitfucker:matrix.org666shitfucker shitfucker88 joined the room.15:40:35
@mnoistmx:matrix.orgc joined the room.15:43:09
@mnoistmx:matrix.orgc left the room.15:43:37
@jojo404:matrix.orgjojo404 left the room.19:33:12
7 Feb 2024
@ajodo50:matrix.orgajodo50 joined the room.20:53:26
8 Feb 2024
@matthew_shearer65:matrix.orgMatthew_shearer65 joined the room.01:45:11
12 Feb 2024
@danyaddanya:matrix.orgdanyaddanya joined the room.18:58:25
13 Feb 2024
@danyaddanya:matrix.orgdanyaddanya left the room.21:21:45
21 Feb 2024
@scthzs:matrix.orgscthzs joined the room.18:29:37
@scthzs:matrix.orgscthzs left the room.18:29:49
22 Feb 2024
@+tommy_plug:matrix.orgTommy joined the room.00:22:40
@bullred:matrix.orgbullred joined the room.07:27:21
@+tommy_plug:matrix.orgTommy left the room.12:20:08
23 Feb 2024
@oussemahs:matrix.orgoussemahs joined the room.01:26:30
@bullred:matrix.orgbullred left the room.11:00:48
@oussemahs:matrix.orgoussemahs left the room.12:45:50
@dimamsk...:matrix.orgДмитрий Генералов joined the room.21:38:46

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