

47 Members
An unofficial Armbian(.com) Matrix channel10 Servers

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16 Nov 2020
@fillername:matrix.org@fillername:matrix.org joined the room.02:04:03
@fillername:matrix.org@fillername:matrix.org left the room.02:04:25
22 Nov 2020
@totalrecall:matrix.orgtotalrecall joined the room.10:50:59
30 Nov 2020
@lobot:matrix.orglobot joined the room.23:31:31
In reply to @pepeko:matrix.org
Hey! I wanna set up nextcloud on my orangepi - do youb recomend regular Nextcloud or NextcloudPi? How do they differ?
I have several devices runnning Armbian. I always install the Debian flavour. Then I install Snap followed by LXD. I've been running my Nextcloud server in a LXD container for 2 years and love it. I did the manual install following the Nextcloud wiki.
@lobot:matrix.orglobotRedacted or Malformed Event23:40:01
1 Dec 2020
In reply to @darkdrgn2k:tomesh.net
anyone suggest a decent board that can route well,(preferably at gige speeds)
I've been using Odroid N2's C2's and HC1's as routers for the last few years and find them quite good. I have a slow internet connection so I stick a usb ethernet adapter on the WAN and use the gigabit ethernet on my LAN side.
12 Dec 2020
In reply to @pepeko:matrix.org
Hey! I wanna set up nextcloud on my orangepi - do youb recomend regular Nextcloud or NextcloudPi? How do they differ?
* I have several devices runnning Armbian. I always install the Debian flavour. Then I install Snapd followed by LXD. I've been running my Nextcloud server in a LXD container for 2 years and love it. I did the manual install following the Nextcloud wiki.
15 Dec 2020
@droid-man:matrix.orgdroid-man joined the room.14:59:19
28 Dec 2020
@jvw1954:matrix.orgjvw1954 joined the room.12:54:38
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett joined the room.18:53:40
2 Jan 2021
@tsygam:matrix.org@tsygam:matrix.org joined the room.13:47:36
@tsygam:matrix.org@tsygam:matrix.org left the room.15:38:27
24 Jan 2021
@emanuele-f:matrix.org@emanuele-f:matrix.org joined the room.17:46:18
@emanuele-f:matrix.org@emanuele-f:matrix.org left the room.23:42:20
20 Feb 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kis it possible to have a dual boot system or somethign23:00:03
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kwere you can have to roof fs and liek boot of one or the other 23:00:16
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2klooking at how to "remote flash"23:00:22
31 Mar 2021
@pfeerick:matrix.orgpfeerick joined the room.08:06:31
@pfeerick:matrix.orgpfeerick set a profile picture.08:37:57
5 May 2021
@anon17:matrix.orgHenry Musk joined the room.17:55:03
@anon17:matrix.orgHenry MuskRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:01
@anon17:matrix.orgHenry Musk * Hello, I just discovered Armbian. I have an old Banana pi M1 onto which I would like to install Armbian Buster. I have downloaded the image. Can I just write the image onto the SD card with the dd command? The image download ends in .xy, so I am a little bit confused. 17:56:57
@anon17:matrix.orgHenry MuskRedacted or Malformed Event18:35:26
7 May 2021
@anon17:matrix.orgHenry Musk changed their display name from anon17 to Henry Musk.10:01:42
26 May 2021
@foxinception:matrix.orgfoxinception joined the room.03:14:33
@foxinception:matrix.orgfoxinception left the room.03:18:13
2 Jun 2021
@n2qz:n2qz.netn2qz joined the room.22:52:01
5 Jun 2021
@lobot:matrix.orglobot left the room.21:04:47
7 Jun 2021
@kprasadvnsi:matrix.orgkprasadvnsi joined the room.09:21:24

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