

47 Members
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13 Mar 2022
@ac2n:matrix.orgac2n left the room.17:20:25
24 Mar 2022
@phodina:matrix.orgphodina joined the room.05:50:36
@phodina:matrix.orgphodinaHi, I've found this repository with the firmware files for various ARM single-board computers https://github.com/armbian/firmware. However, it has issues disabled on the github page so I ask here. What is the license for the repository? I'd like to add the package definition to Guix (https://gitlab.com/nonguix/nonguix) to enable all the HW.05:54:19
11 Apr 2022
@baal.401:matrix.orgBaal.401 joined the room.20:06:06
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot joined the room.10:13:08
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot left the room.10:13:09
21 Apr 2022
@methylene:matrix.orgmethylene joined the room.05:42:04
1 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot joined the room.20:44:24
@wybpip:matrix.orgAn exploring bot left the room.20:44:25
3 May 2022
@baal.401:matrix.orgBaal.401 joined the room.18:28:47
@baal.401:matrix.orgBaal.401 left the room.18:28:48
4 May 2022
@phasewrap:phasewrap.netKevin joined the room.18:32:07
7 May 2022
@phasewrap:phasewrap.netKevin left the room.01:13:52
9 May 2022
@gatico:matrix.orggatico joined the room.15:06:36
16 May 2022
@the_real_thaflo:matrix.orgthaflo left the room.20:44:46
28 May 2022
@calhix:matrix.orgcalhix joined the room.01:02:51
@calhix:matrix.orgcalhix left the room.01:03:10
3 Jun 2022
@hobbitus:matrix.orghobbitus joined the room.14:17:20
@hobbitus:matrix.orghobbitus I'm trying to boot the Armbian 22.05 Focal XFCE on PinebookPro, the SD card works for other distros but here I get stuck right at the start
Starting kernel ...
"Synchronouse Abourt" handler
I have used dd as well as Manjaro image tool without success.
Any suggestions?
17 Jun 2022
@vahvist_ce_maraamat_on:matrix.orgvahvist_ce_maraamat_on joined the room.14:24:13
22 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping joined the room.23:47:12
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping left the room.23:47:27
24 Jun 2022
@methylene:matrix.orgmethyleneHello all, I need to make some small modification to one of the sources' Makefiles in order to get it to build, but every time I run ./compile.sh it seems to insist on doing a git reset or something on the sources in cache/. Is there a flag to disable this behavior while I'm testing the modifications, so I can just work on the sources checked out in the cache?09:23:08
28 Jun 2022
@ha123:matrix.orgCyberhero left the room.07:58:10
11 Jul 2022
@kruthoff:matrix.orgAndreas Kruthoff joined the room.18:45:40
@kruthoff:matrix.orgAndreas Kruthoff left the room.18:46:54
24 Jul 2022
@kevin:phasewrap.netKevin joined the room.23:26:43
25 Jul 2022
@kevin:phasewrap.netKevin left the room.15:26:39
29 Jul 2022
@sis3020:matrix.orgsis3020 joined the room.03:31:46
@sis3020:matrix.orgsis3020Redacted or Malformed Event03:31:47

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